Tutors in Shahriar County

I have a PhD degree in Bioinformatics along with previous excellent biological background, strong computational insights, and programming proficiency. I have nine years of experience in the analysis of different kinds of data, dataset construction, data visualization, machine learning, solving meaningful biological problems, and other exciting...

  • Andisheh New Town
  • 850,0008,500,000/hour
  • 3.0 yr.
  • 15.0 yr.

Hello! Hope you are doing great! My name is Sanaz and my nick name is Teacher Sunny. I live in Tehran. I am an ESL teacher with over 9 years of experience. Over the course of my career, I have had the pleasure of teaching a wide variety of textbooks and working with students from different age ranges. As a result, I have gained a wealth of...

  • Andisheh New Town
  • 100200/hour
  • 3.0 yr.
  • 10.0 yr.