Tutors in Seowon-gu

🏆 Don't be afraid of Korean! 🏆
You can easily read Hangul in 30 minutes.

I met a lot of students after I got my teacher's license in 2015.

There are five-year-old children to over 60 years old in the course,

It's not the same class. It's for students
Classes tailored to each environment are conducted.

We also give TOPIK...

  • Gaesin-dong
  • 38,00050,000/month
  • 7.0 yr.
  • 10.0 yr.
  • 9 km

This is me Sijan Devkota from Nepal and now I am studying master in Chemical Engineering in South Korea. I have a very good knowledge of basic science, mathematics, and other chemical engineering courses. I can do modeling and simulation of different chemical engineering designs as well as I can also teach students.
I am new here but I am...

  • Cheongju-si
  • 5,00020,000/hour
  • 1.0 yr.
  • 2.0 yr.
  • 11 km

The student will be getting international training direct from South Korea also known for it's best IT Sector and this would lead him to gain better results and would improve himself for the upcoming exams .
Currently I am having 50+ students who are from India and maximum of the students are taking the online classes of regular subjects and...

  • Daejeon
  • 1,0005,000/hour
  • 5.0 yr.
  • 5.0 yr.
  • 22 km


Online Gaesin-dong