Tutors in S.S Nagar

I am an organised, efficient and hard working person, and I am willing to discover and accept new ideas which can be put into practice effectively.
I am a good listener and learner, able to communicate well with a group and on an individual level, as well as in teaching. I am able to understand students mindset who helps me allot. I also gave...

  • Zakaria Market
  • 1,00010,000/month
  • 1.0 yr.
  • 2.0 yr.

It's your one hour, totally yours, open up your mind and can ask silliest of the questions withouth the fear of being judged and taught in a friendly and funny manner. I make concepts clear in pictorial form which captures the imagination and retains longer, I have been a successful teacher, a good friend and a best counsellor so far in my journey...

  • Zohra Bagh
  • 200500/hour
  • 2.0 yr.
  • 3.0 yr.