Tutors in Rehoboth

I am a very hard working teacher with the promise in the results the child brings home i dedicate every minute to the child to make sure they fully grasp all i am teaching them ...i strive for excellence...

My teaching style is mostly learner centres the more the child is involved in what i teach the better they will grasp what i am teaching. I...

  • Rehoboth
  • N$50100/hour
  • 0.0 yr.
  • 2.0 yr.
  • 4 km
  • 1 km

Good day

My name is Lena Nanyemba I am a teacher by profession. I am a very eager and enthusiastic person. I believe that learning is a gift and if you can share knowledge you are sharing your gift. I am available fir tutoring lessons Grade 1-3 all subjects and Afrikaans / English.

Currently I am unemployed and I am eager to start..I f...

  • Rehoboth
  • N$350500/month
  • 0.0 yr.
  • 15.0 yr.
  • 10 km
  • 1 km

