Tutors in Old Otukpo Road, Oto

First and foremost, learner's abilities & capabilities should be put into consideration before teaching style can be adopted.Likewise to the methodology or pedagogy of teaching and the out come of teaching is results base or oriented.
To ensures that the desire change in learner's behavior takes place to fulfill the purpose of learning and...

  • Old Otukpo Road
  • 500,000/hour
  • 2.0 yr.
  • 20.0 yr.
  • 1 km

My class room teaching style basically involved giving the students flexibility in classworks and freedom (measured though) to interact with each other. I took control when necessary to achieve the aim of the given task(s).
I made sure that homeworks/assignments were treated in the classroom to ensure absorption and not just something given to...

  • Otukpa
  • 90,000200,000/month
  • 0.0 yr.
  • 3.0 yr.
  • 15 km

