Tutors in Markaz Belbes

Hello my friends I am teacher Mai, I have Bachelor's degree at Elelctrical engineering, and also computer and control division, I will make you love math, science and ict also like me, if you want to be talant at them, join to me to start from zero.
let's start my friends 💗
Our tools..
1-labtop or tablet or Phone
2-Almoasser book

  • Belbes
  • £100500/hour
  • 4.0 yr.
  • 11.0 yr.

I simplify the information and present it in a narrative form, and my students are distinguished by their understanding before memorizing
It's okay if u cannot understand From the first time and I can repeat more than once
Mutual respect is essential, no matter the age of the student
I always put a little fun during the explanation, and this is...

  • Belbes
  • £200300/hour
  • 4.0 yr.
  • 5.0 yr.


Online Belbes