Tutors in Khan Yunis

I am Abood from Gaza. I am a 16 year old teen trying to find a new beginning through teaching. I can help with learning Arabic and Quran.
I will be focusing on improving your conversation skills in Arabic.
Classes will be through texts and voice messages due to the current situation in Gaza.
My class duration will be according to your liking....

  • Khan Yunis
  • $520/hour
  • 1.0 yr.
  • 1.0 yr.
  • 1 km

I'm architect engineer with over 14 years of experience, combining academic and practical experience so that the students who I teach them are able to work efficiently in the labor market where students are integrated with stakeholders from private companies in the field of architecture and interior design while studying engineering projects that...

  • Khan Yunis Camp
  • $1015/hour
  • 2.0 yr.
  • 13.0 yr.
  • 1 km
  • Mariam English teacher teaching Arabic as a second langua

Hello 🙋‍♀️, everyone! I teach Arabic to non-native speakers using a simple and organized approach. The lesson is divided into several sections:

1- Alphabet and words.
2- Simple sentences.
3- Engaging teaching through educational puzzles and attempting to answer them.
4- Spelling practice.
5- Basic conversation and reading.

  • Rafah
  • $2040/hour
  • 1.0 yr.
  • 3.0 yr.
  • 8 km

Hi, I am a Medical doctor and I work as an Associate Professor in a teaching Medical student. also, I'm a creative, reliable, and experienced Medical writer with an Advanced Professional Diploma of ICU and Anesthesia. I can be a good choice for you as I have great experience in medical teaching. I can provide you high-quality medical material(...

  • Deir al Balah
  • $515/hour
  • 1.0 yr.
  • 2.0 yr.
  • 9 km

I’m willing to help students who seek assistant in understanding mathemtics. I have a very good teaching experience and styles for different level of students starting from A-level till the univeristy level which I’m interested in mostly.
We can do one hour paid-free class and we contiue if you find the first class intersting for you. I can also...

  • Gaza
  • $10/hour
  • 6.0 yr.
  • 1.0 yr.
  • 23 km

Hey, I'm saeb alzard a Hafiz from Gaza Palestine with a good voice and I'm an engineer too! I love to see students enjoy learning and reciting quraan and speaking Arabic without struggling! I I am willing to be your teacher and your friend brother as well! It'll be a journey that you will enjoy it for sure! I will do my best to build your trust in...

  • Gaza
  • $820/hour
  • 1.0 yr.
  • 2.0 yr.
  • 161 km
  • 23 km

Peace be upon you
As for what comes
A science and mathematics teacher with experience in the field of education. I also have a talent for conveying the correct information to the minds of male and female students.
As a teacher, I have practiced the teaching process in many educational centers, both in person and online
In particular, I...

  • Gaza
  • $1540/hour
  • 3.0 yr.
  • 4.0 yr.
  • 5 km
  • 23 km

معلمة اسمي أمل درست بكالوريوس تربوي في العلوم العامة و حفظت القرآن منذ الصغر في فلسطين و عندما تخرجت من الجامعة حفظت القران مرة ثانية بالإمارات العربية المتحدة و تمت إجازتي بالقاعدة النورانية من مركز الفرقان العالمي ، اشتغلت محفظة قران كريم بالامارات بمؤسسة الشارقة للقرآن الكريم و السنة النبوية أونلاين للطالبات بمختلف الأعمار من الروضة إلي عمر 60...

  • Gaza
  • $100400/month
  • 2.0 yr.
  • 2.0 yr.
  • 23 km

Do you want an expert tajweed teacher with continuous Sanad (Ijazah) to prophet Mohammed ﷺ?
You've found your perfect teacher!

I'm Eman, a native Arabic speaker, and a tajweed teacher with Sanad in tajweed.
I teach Ahkam and tajweed to whatever level you are.

My method in teaching is to:
- Listen to you reciting.
- Determine your...

  • Gaza
  • $1020/hour
  • 1.0 yr.
  • 2.0 yr.
  • 23 km

I am a medical doctor who recently graduated from Cairo University, and I am preparing myself to complete my residency in the US. I have completed many international exams and have experience in the required study materials, preparation methods and exam time management. I also have a passion for medical education and the best methods of learning...

  • Gaza
  • $1525/hour
  • 0.5 yr.
  • 1.0 yr.
  • 23 km

A distinguished mathematics teacher with sufficient experience in e-learning.
I will be happy to communicate with you.
Mathematics for everyone
A distinguished mathematics teacher with sufficient experience in e-learning.
I will be happy to communicate with you.
Mathematics is for everyone and is not restricted to anyone. Any student who...

  • Gaza
  • $510/hour
  • 4.0 yr.
  • 5.0 yr.
  • 805 km
  • 23 km

مها سمير
فلسطين_ غزة

بكالوريس لغة عربية وتربية اسلامية

اعمل على تلقين الايات القرآنية وتحقيظها لفئة الاناث فقط قراءة

صحيحة وبالحركات والتجويد مع شرح وتفسير الايات واسباب نزولها
وايضا تحفيظ الاحاديث النبوية الشريفة
يمكنني ايضا تحفيظ الابيات الشعرية وشرح القواعد اللغوية والادب...

  • Gaza
  • $510/hour
  • 1.0 yr.
  • 1.0 yr.
  • 23 km

My name is Hassan from Palestine, if you are looking for a teacher then I am a teacher of Arabic, which is my mother tongue. I study reading, writing, listening, social conversation and the Holy Qur’an. Provisions of recitation and intonation. I have certificates and I study all stages of children and adults, male and female, with 4 years of...

  • Gaza
  • $1130/hour
  • 7.0 yr.
  • 7.0 yr.
  • 1609 km
  • 23 km

I have good experience with teaching subjects for engineering students.
I have tutoring alot of students.
I have good knowledge of all subjects for engineering in civil and mechanical engineering.
I'm going to teach you the basics of the subjects to higher level.
I speak english and Arabic language.
I can help you to solve homework and all...

  • Gaza
  • $1040/hour
  • 1.0 yr.
  • 6.0 yr.
  • 23 km

Hi, this is Haneen and I have more than what you need .
I wii be the right choice !
I am highly motivated teacher, I teach with love . My methodology on language teaching based on authentic material and real communication .
I hold Master degree on teaching methods and instruction . I did work in the USA before at University of NotreDame as...

  • Gaza
  • $50100/day
  • 2.0 yr.
  • 5.0 yr.
  • 1609 km
  • 23 km

I am a science teacher. I can teach biology, chemistry, and general sciences because I love the profession of education..also I have a master's degree in education, but our employment opportunities are slim.i also have ability to use sessions programme and I can teach it very good..you were happy withe me and comfortable to me.
I can teach you...

  • Gaza
  • $1030/day
  • 0.0 yr.
  • 0.0 yr.
  • 23 km

I’m Iman, my native language is Arabic, from Gaza Palestine ??, I have a strong voice, correct sound of letters that able me to do a great job, I’m an engineer and I’m Studying Arabic language, Alhamdulillah I memorize Holy Quran, have two courses in Tajweed, excellent grade.
??For reading and Writing Skills??
If you...

  • Bank Filastin
  • $13/hour
  • 7.0 yr.
  • 11.0 yr.
  • 23 km

مدرسة رياضيات للمرحلة الإبتدائية والإعدادية والصف الأول الثانوي والحادي عشر والثاني عشر فرع العلوم الإنسانية حيث عملت في مجال التعليم خصوصي في مراكز تعليمية
حيث أنني أشرح المادة بشكل مبسط جداً وأقوم بحل جميع الأمثلة وأسئلة الكتاب مع الطالب ومتابعة الواجبات بشكل دوري
.كما أنني قادرة على مساعدة الطلاب في حل الواجبات المنزلية، وأقوم بعمل مراجعات...

  • Shejaiya
  • $5070/week
  • 0.0 yr.
  • 8.0 yr.
  • 23 km

