Tutors in Khafji

Experienced tutor, 8 years of experience with students in finding their learning difficulties and improving their learning. I use the best methodologies and acknowledge in which the student can able to understand the concept well. Learning is not about scoring it is how far a student understood the concept and seek knowledge. I encourage students...

  • Khafji
  • 150500/hour
  • 4.0 yr.
  • 8.0 yr.
  • 50 km
  • 1 km

Hello everybody, my name is Arif Khan I did my graduation in Electronics & Communication speclization in IT support. From my childhood I feel happy to help those who wants to clear their concepts in their difficult subject. I personally gave many lectures on Smart study techniques in various schools and college students so that they can upgrade...

  • Khafji
  • 10500/day
  • 1.0 yr.
  • 4.0 yr.
  • 1 km
  • 1 km

