Tutors in Jackson

Teaching has been a passion of mine for years. I've taught pre-school, kindergarten, elementary, and high school math, reading, science and other basic subjects. I've also taught adult learners for various clients how to service everything from technical support to roadside assistance. TESOL is also a special interest of mine. I am certified in...

  • Jackson
  • US$1635/hour
  • 9.0 yr.
  • 16.0 yr.
  • 20 mi.
  • 1 mi


I started exporting various types of meditation in 2008, but it was not until 2021 that I started practicing Insight Meditation (vipassana), a Buddhist approach, that I felt at home. While exploring Insight Meditation, I felt a deep longing to help others on their own journey, so I pursued a 200-hour Instinctive Meditation®...

  • Madison
  • US$2550/hour
  • 1.0 yr.
  • 1.0 yr.
  • 25 mi.
  • 12 mi

