Tutors in Faqous

  • Mohamed Quran, tajweed, arabic tutor

Teaching how to recite quran properly with accurate tajweed with a very flexible and manageable methods so that it can be memorized as long as possible in both mind and soul. Regular and ful-fledged system of general revision in a continuous scheduale so it will be simple and clear for the students to stick to the plan. Flexible working hours and...

  • Faqous
  • £28/hour
  • 2.0 yr.
  • 15.0 yr.
  • 1 km
  • Alia Tutor Quran and Arabic language

I am Aliaa,I am a teacher Arabic and Qur'an for kids and women .
I teach before for many students so i have many skills to clarify information and explain it in a simple ways .
I help students to pronounce the Arabic alphabet correctly, correct recitation and help them to memorize the holy Qur'an correctly insha'Allah, learning tajweed to know...

  • Fakous
  • £146486/hour
  • 2.0 yr.
  • 2.0 yr.
  • 1 km
  • Mahmoud Holy Quran teacher _ Medical student

I am a medical student with experience in psychology and a teacher of the Holy Quran. I have a Hafs from Asim license. I have two years of experience in teaching the Holy Quran to all ages
Teaching the Quran with the rules of Tajweed
And giving Hafs from Asim license...

  • Faqus
  • £525/hour
  • 2.0 yr.
  • 2.0 yr.
  • 0 km
  • Basmala اللغة العربية والقرآن الكريم والمواد الشرعيه

Peace be upon you. I am teacher, (Basmalah Muhammad Mahmoud Ali Ahmed). I give lessons in religion, the Arabic language, and the Holy Qur’an to Arabs and foreigners. I prefer to be a friend to my students, support them, and offer them knowledge, assistance, and appreciation.What makes me special is to communicate information easily.Graduated from...

  • Faqus
  • £515/hour
  • 2.0 yr.
  • 3.0 yr.
  • 0 km
  • Amr Mattar Teacher Assistant in Faculty of Pharmacy

I have Bachelor of Pharmacy
I'm a teaching assistant at faculty of Pharmacy
I have a master degree in Pharmaceutical analysis
I have 554 in TOEFL test
I have ICDL certificate
I have articles in SJR and non-SJR journals
( https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Amr_Mattar )
Experience for more than 5 years
Experience in online...

  • Faqus
  • £150500/hour
  • 1.0 yr.
  • 6.0 yr.
  • 0 km

مرحبا ،انا هنا لاعلمك اللغة العربية معلم موثوق لا داعي للقلق وانت معي ،ادرس اون لاين فقط ،لدي خبرة عامان في التدريس عبر الانترنت ،سوف يتم التحفيز والتشجيع لحب اللغه العربية وعشقها،معروف بالسيرة الطيبة و التفاني في العمل. يتحلى بأخلاقيات المهنة و ملتزم بتعاليم الإسلام. متحصل على شهادة شكر و تقدير في جميع سنوات المزاولة. حريص على التواصل مع الأولياء...

  • شارع الدروس
  • £300500/hour
  • 2.0 yr.
  • 2.0 yr.
  • 0 km
  • Mohammed Teacher for the holy Quran and Arabic

Assalam alaikum My name is Mohammed
I'm from Egypt
I'm an Arabic native speaker
I have been teaching the Holy Quran and Arabic language since 2019
I have two ijaza in hafs narroration and give ijaza to persons who read the holy Quran on me
I have two years of experience teaching online
I hope to help you to memorize the holy Quran and...

  • Al Hajjajiyyah
  • £200500/hour
  • 2.0 yr.
  • 5.0 yr.
  • 4 km

السلام عليكم ورحمه الله انا محمد معلم قرآن كريم لدي خبره فى تعليم القرآن بطرق سهله وبسيطه جدا ساكون معك فى اي وقت سوف أعلمك أيضا احكام التجويد بطريقه تجعلك لا تمل من التعلم وايضا لدى خبره فى التعامل مع الاطفال ولدى منهجية ستجعل مستواه إلى الافضل فى اسرع وقت (وان كتاب الله أوثق شافعٍ وأغنى غناءٍ واهباً متفضلا وخير جليس لا يمل حديثه وترداده يزداد...

  • Al Qorin
  • £2050/week
  • 0.0 yr.
  • 0.0 yr.
  • 14 km
  • Mohamed Hifz.Tajweed . Maqamat. Arabic grammar .Aqidah

hello, my name is mohamed am an Egyptian 21 years old, and am here to help native speakers of non-Arabic languages to understand and read the Quran very well with the Tajweed and Hifz also and how to understand the Arabic grammar with the Quran and learn Aqidah and the sunnah of The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) and On the...

  • Kafr Saqr
  • £100150/day
  • 1.0 yr.
  • 1.0 yr.
  • 500 km
  • 18 km

"My name is Tayseer Mahgoub, and I work as an Arabic language teacher and Quran memorizer. I have extensive practical experience in this field, as I worked in several schools as a teacher of Arabic language, Islamic education, and Quran teaching. During my career, I developed my skills in simplifying information and attracting students' attention,...

  • Hihya
  • £300/hour
  • 3.0 yr.
  • 3.0 yr.
  • 20 km

I am Mohammad Mobarok Hossain, a devout Muslim, dedicated student, and a humanitarian at heart. Born and raised in Hossainpur, Kishoreganj, I grew up surrounded by familial love and strong values. My educational journey began in mainstream schools and colleges, but it took a transformative turn when I entered a Qawmi madrasa, delving deeper into...

  • El-Abaseya
  • £3,5005,000/month
  • 1.0 yr.
  • 1.0 yr.
  • 23 km
  • Mostafa معلم لغة وعربية وإسلامية وقرآن كريم

أنا معلم اللغة العربية أحب تدريسهاللناطقين بها ولغير الناطقين بها لانها لغة عظيمة لغة القرآن وفيها من جمال المعاني والمصطلحات الفريدة
أقوم بتدريسها بكل سهولة ويسر بطريقة منهجية
. ومنظمة حتي يفهمها ويتقنها المتعلمين
أمارس تعليمها منذ زمن بعيد أكتسبت الخبرة من ممارستها وأقوم بشرح الدروس بطريقة شيقة ومبسطة للمتعلمين كي يتقنوا معانيها وأقوم...

  • Abou Hammad
  • £150200/day
  • 5.0 yr.
  • 5.0 yr.
  • 23 km

