Tutors in Chaotianmen, Yu Bei Qu

  • 杜辉辉 我现在是一名全职的对外汉语老师,持有国内教师资格证书,普通话二级甲等。

Hello everyone, I am Huihui, a teacher of Chinese as a foreign language. I have a bachelor's degree and a Level 2A proficiency in Mandarin. I hold a vocational e-commerce teacher qualification certificate and have been engaged in offline teaching for five years. I have a lively and outgoing personality, and enjoy chatting with people from...

  • Ai Man Shi Bi Zhi Chuang Lian Sheng Huo Guan
  • ¥60120/hour
  • 3.0 yr.
  • 5.0 yr.