Tutors in Bloomington

With a passion for helping students understand course material beyond the syllabus, I’ve tutored numerous students. My teaching style emphasizes practical applications, problem-solving, and fostering a growth mindset. My teaching style is adaptable and student-centered. I believe in tailoring my approach to meet individual needs. I create an...

  • Bloomington
  • US$2040/hour
  • 5.0 yr.
  • 5.0 yr.
  • 1 mi

I’m a Carnatic Classical Teacher who won TWO WORLD RECORDS (ASIA BOOK OF RECORDS & INDIA BOOK OF RECORDS) with 20 years of experience and who pursued music under the tutelage of Kalaimamani Sri Balamurali Krishna’s disciple. My approach is to train the aspirants from the fundamentals in a professional way, and make them ready for music...

  • Bloomington
  • US$2540/hour
  • 10.0 yr.
  • 25.0 yr.
  • 1 mi

