انا محمد
احب تدريس القرأن لأنه اهم شئ في حياتنا ويقولون خير من تعلم القرأن و علمه
القرأن لغه اللغة العربيه فهي لغه الضاد
انا استطيع ان اتكلم الانجليزيه لاتستطيع التفاهم مع الأجانب
انا احب القرآن جدا
استطيع انا اعلم القرأن بطريقه سهله جدا عن طريق الانترنت
اراك لاحقا
Hi I'm mohamed
I like to tech the quran bec its important in our live...
I start my lessons by giving a quick introduction on what i am going to teach and then i get into the main topic i explain it in a way that i make sure everyone have understood and then i turn to solving problems and connecting between them and what the topic is about because studying a subject not necessarily means that you can solve the problem...
May the peace, mercy, and blessings of God be upon you. With your honor, Abdul Rahman Atef, a student in the College of Engineering. I have a little experience in teaching with my sisters and relatives only, but what is special is that I am considered the same age as the student and I know how to convey information well. I have comprehensive...