Tutors in Al Majma'ah

لقد قمت بتدريس مادة الرياضيات حتى طلاب المرحلة الثانوية سابقا و انا صبور على الطالب حتى استطيع الوصول به لفهم المسألة و اعطيه أكثر من طريقة حتى يستطيع فهم المطلوب منه و الوصول للحل و بعد أن يفهم الدرس اعطيه المزيد من الأسئلة الخارجية و ادربه على حلها بعد أن يقوم هو بمحاولة إيجاد الحلول لها و لدي الصبر على الطالب حتى إمكانية إعادة المسألة مرات...

  • Al Majma'ah
  • 50150/hour
  • 1.0 yr.
  • 5.0 yr.
  • 1 km

Learning is Easy if You have the Right Teacher, Making things Understand is a better way to learn as it streamlines the Future Learning Experience.

Visual learning and Adaptive teaching is my way to achieve students potential.

if in doubt you can always quit after the free class.

My introduction
Name is Mohidin Sir and i have been a...

  • Al Majma'ah
  • 3055/hour
  • 3.0 yr.
  • 6.0 yr.
  • 1 km
  • Lina Swart Proofreading / IELTS instructor/English teacher/

Things that make me a great teacher :
I am a very passionate teacher. My students come first and I want my student to achieve his/her goals. I'm reliable, punctual and I can relate to my students. I go out of my way to make my classes as interesting and interactive as possible.

Teaching style:
Interactive - informal - student have lots of...

  • Al Majma'ah
  • 40100/hour
  • 3.5 yr.
  • 10.0 yr.
  • 1 km
  • Ahmed Said A teacher of Science, Physics, Chemistry and Math

مدرس خبرة أكثر من 10 سنوات بالتدريس عن بعد والتدريس الحضوري - حاصل على بكالوريوس في العلوم من جامعة عين شمس وقادر على تدريس مادتي الرياضيات والعلوم للمرحلتين الابتدائية والإعدادية، ومواد الجبر والهندسة والتفاضل وحساب المثلثات والميكانيكا والكيمياء والفيزياء للمرحلتين الثانوية والجامعية.

مسؤول توكيد الجودة وسلامة الغذاء، خبرة تزيد عن 8 سنوات في...

  • Riyadh - Al-Qassim Highway
  • 3050/hour
  • 10.0 yr.
  • 10.0 yr.
  • 25 km
  • 3 km

Teach students with dedication and take their responsibility. Make them understand the importance of each subject.
Guide the students to understand the concepts.
Motivate them to learn and participate in extra curicular activities with study .
Try to focus on character building of students as well.make them realize that how important their...

  • Prince Sultan Road
  • 1,0002,000/month
  • 1.5 yr.
  • 5.0 yr.
  • 10 km
  • 4 km
  • Fasih Khan Digital marketing, businesses administration, MIS,

"Hello, I'm Fasih khan, and I bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise in various fields, including an MBA with a focus on marketing, digital marketing, accounting, and MIS (Management Information Systems). Whether you're a student looking for assistance with assignments or projects in these areas, I'm here to help you excel in your studies. With...

  • Al Khobar Street
  • 1,0001,500/week
  • 0.0 yr.
  • 1.0 yr.
  • 30 km
  • 4 km

In 2016, I started tutoring for extra money, outside of my day job. 1 client turned into 2, 2 turned into 4. I ran out of time to spend on students. I didn’t want to give up my side-hustle, and I had a full-time job.So the question became, how do I keep tutoring and help more people. I got my answer and started online teaching and home tutoring...

  • 8414
  • 5580/hour
  • 8.0 yr.
  • 8.0 yr.
  • 5 km
  • 5 km

Hello there, My name is Amir and im an electrical engineer with an experience of 15 years in the field of electrical engineering.
Im teaching electrical subjects since 9 years and i will understand how it woud be hard to explain these subjects if its not tuch the real world practices, so i use my wideexperience in many industerial sectors rto...

  • Almadinah Almunawarah Street
  • 1001,000/hour
  • 3.0 yr.
  • 9.0 yr.
  • 5 km

