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रामगोपाल शर्माहिन्दी लेखन एवं अभिव्यक्ति
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Dear students, myself Dr. Ramgopal Sharma. I am M. A Ist position and Ph.D in Hindi. I have experience more than 40+ year. Successfully mantor thousand of Students. I have tought in various wings in Hindi Like- कहानी, कविता, नाटक, उपन्यास, गीत, निबंध, रेखाचित्र, समाचार, आलेख, पत्र लेखन, फिल्म लेखन etc. I have written so many books in various subjects. Like- कविता, निबंध, उपन्यास, आयुर्वेद, मनोविज्ञान एवं ज्योतिष शास्त्र। I have also deliver lectures on आकाशवाणी रेडियो स्टेशन आगरा एवं दिल्ली. I have written short stories film telecasted from Delhi Doordarshan. I have delivered vedios on धर्मशास्त्र, ज्योतिष, and other spiritual topics. I have fully active in my subjects. I have much experience in teaching, writing and editing in all above subject. If you want to learn any streem in Hindi, or Hindu Dharmsastra, and Hindu Jyotish you may explore my knowledge. I hope you might be satisfied. With best wishes.
हिन्दी साहित्य Beginner-Expert
घटना लेखन Grade 9-Doctorate/PhD
मुख्य सम्पादक हिंदी (Mar, 2013–Oct, 2018) at गोयल ब्रदर्स प्रकाशन नोएडा
सम्पादक हिन्दी
Lecturer (Jul, 2003–Jul, 2013) at 's d college Ghaziabad
Lecturer Hindi.
Lecturer (Jul, 2003–Nov, 2024) at Ignou center so do collage Ghaziabad
Lecturer Hindi
मुख्य सम्पादक हिंदी (Mar, 1988–Jun, 2003) at पुस्तक महल प्रकाशन दिल्ली.
सम्पादक एवं लेखक
Lecture (Jul, 1982–Jun, 1992) at D. So. Collage Aligarh
Lecturer Hindi Litureture
पीएच-डी हिन्दी कविता (Jun, 1982–now) from आगरा यूनिवर्सिटी–scored Writing