Hi, I am Kanak Bidhuri. I am a passionate tutor who enjoys teaching and impacting the lives of my students. I specialize in teaching English, Social Sciences, Ancient History, Political Science, Civics. I have extensive knowledge and experience in teaching across different grades and curricula. My Skills range from Responsibility to Communication to Creativity to Teaching to Student Engagement. Lastly, I am someone who is patient, friendly and dedicated to help you achieve your academic goals. I teach students in a very different manner. I always assure before ending the class that what I have taught in the class is very well understood by the child, hence I will assure that the child will not left with any doubt and also weekly tests assignments and homework also will be provided. I will personally keep a track record of the results of each of my student. I will make the topics easier for the students, so that they can learn very well. My each student is my priority. I will make sure that the students result will be up to the mark.
Maths Preschool, Kindergarten, KG, Nursery-Grade 5
Political Science Grade 5-Grade 12
History & Geography Grade 5-Grade 10
English & Literature Grade 1-Grade 10
No experience mentioned.
Fee details
depends upon the hours of teaching or weeks or month.
special offers are also provided.