Amrita Rajbongshi Teacher
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. Establish a Clear Study Plan
a. Define Goals:

Short-Term Goals:

Specific Metrics: Establish measurable outcomes, such as aiming for a specific percentage of students completing assignments on time or achieving a required level of participation in discussions.
Skill Development: Set goals for acquiring new skills, such as mastering a specific digital tool or teaching method within a specified time frame.
Long-Term Goals:

Curriculum Development: Plan to develop a new course or update existing course materials for the next academic year.
Student Outcomes: Focus on long-term metrics such as retention rates, graduation rates, or standardized test scores.
b. Create a Schedule:

Flexible Planning: While having a weekly routine is essential, allow flexibility to adapt to unforeseen circumstances or student needs.
Reflection Time: Dedicate time at the end of each week to reflect on what worked well and what did not, enabling continuous adjustment of the schedule.
2. Utilize Digital Tools
a. Learning Management Systems (LMS):

Engagement Tools: Utilize features like discussion boards, quizzes, and surveys to encourage student interaction and track engagement.
Integrated Analytics: Use built-in analytics to identify patterns in student performance that can inform your teaching approach.
b. Communication Tools:

Asynchronous Communication: Implement tools that facilitate communication outside of live sessions, such as email, group chats, or discussion boards for ongoing dialogue.
Office Hours: Consider setting a rotation for availability to better accommodate students in different time zones.
c. Content Creation Tools:

Video Editing Software: Familiarize yourself with editing software (like iMovie or Camtasia) to enhance the quality of your video lectures.
Accessibility Features: Ensure content is accessible to all students by using captioning tools and designing materials that cater to various learning styles.
3. Develop Engaging Content
a. Mix Media:

Guest Lectures: Invite industry professionals or experts to provide new perspectives and enhance learning.
Utilize Podcasts: Recommendations of relevant podcasts can provide students with additional, digestible material.
b. Interactive Activities:

Peer Teaching: Encourage students to teach a concept to their classmates, which reinforces their understanding and builds collaboration.
Case Studies: Incorporate real-world scenarios that require problem-solving, providing practical application of theoretical concepts.
4. Foster Student Engagement
a. Regular Feedback:

Feedback Techniques: Use a combination of personalized feedback and peer feedback to enrich the learning environment.
Surveys: Regularly survey students regarding the usefulness of feedback they receive.
b. Encouragement:

Celebrate Success: Establish a system for recognizing and celebrating student milestones and accomplishments publicly (e.g., class shout-outs or certificates).
Support Networks: Facilitate peer mentoring programs that allow students to support one another.
5. Reflect and Adapt
a. Self-Evaluation:

Teaching Portfolios: Consider maintaining a portfolio containing student work, feedback, and personal reflections to track your teaching growth.
Benchmarking: Compare your methods and outcomes with those of peers or recognized institutions to assess your effectiveness.
b. Continuous Improvement:

Resource Sharing: Engage in communities where strategies and resources can be exchanged among educators to enrich your teaching toolkit.
Stay Current: Follow educational blogs, podcasts, or YouTube channels focusing on innovations in teaching methodologies and technologies.
6. Maintain Balance
a. Manage Workload:

Prioritize Tasks: Use prioritization strategies (like the Eisenhower Box) to differentiate between urgent and important tasks.
Scheduled Breaks: Incorporate regular short breaks into your schedule to combat fatigue and maintain focus.
b. Networking:

Professional Conferences: Attend online or local conferences to connect with other educators and share best practices.
Collaborative Projects: Engage in joint projects that allow for shared resources and diverse insights to foster a collaborative teaching environment.


  • Bangali Beginner-Expert

  • Social and Political Philosophy Beginner-Intermediate


No experience mentioned.


  • MBA (May, 2024now) from National university of Bangladesh

Fee details

    5502,050/hour (US$4.6017.15/hour)


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