Duration: 1 Month
Delivery mode: Online
Group size: 6 - 10
Instruction language:
Certificate provided:
1. Introduction to Python
History and Features: Understanding Python's history, key features, and why it is popular.
Installation: How to install Python and set up the development environment (IDEs like PyCharm, VS Code, or Jupyter Notebook).
2. Python Basics
Syntax: Python syntax and basic commands.
Variables and Data Types: Declaring variables and understanding types like integers, floats, strings, lists, tuples, and dictionaries.
Operators: Arithmetic, logical, comparison, and bitwise operators.
3. Control Flow Statements
Conditional Statements: if, elif, and else statements.
Loops: for and while loops, along with break, continue, and pass statements.
Nested Loops and Conditions: Using loops within loops and complex condition checking.
4. Functions
Defining Functions: Writing reusable functions with parameters and return values.
Scope of Variables: Local and global scope.
Lambda Functions: Anonymous functions and their usage in Python.
5. Data Structures
Lists: Operations on lists like slicing, appending, and sorting.
Tuples: Immutable sequences and how to use them.
Dictionaries: Key-value pairs, dictionary operations.
Sets: Working with unique values and set operations (union, intersection, etc.).
6. Modules and Packages
Importing Modules: How to import and use built-in modules.
Creating Your Own Modules: Writing custom modules and importing them in other scripts.
Python Package Index (PyPI): Installing external libraries using pip.
7. File Handling
Reading and Writing Files: Opening, reading, writing, and closing files.
Exception Handling: try, except blocks for handling errors gracefully.
8. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Classes and Objects: Understanding the basic concepts of OOP.
Constructors: The __init__ method.
Inheritance: Creating subclasses and extending functionalities.
Polymorphism and Encapsulation: Advanced OOP concepts.
9. Advanced Topics (Optional)
List Comprehensions: Shorter syntax for creating lists.
Generators and Iterators: Efficient looping mechanisms.
Decorators: Functions that modify the behavior of other functions.
Regular Expressions: Pattern matching with the re module.
10. Python Libraries for AI/ML
NumPy: Working with arrays, mathematical functions, and basic matrix operations.
Pandas: Data manipulation and analysis, working with DataFrames.
Matplotlib and Seaborn: Plotting graphs and visualizing data.
Scikit-learn: Basic machine learning algorithms and model implementation.
11. Projects and Case Studies
By the end of the course, you likely worked on a small project or case study to apply the learned concepts, possibly involving data analysis, a simple game, or a beginner-level AI/ML model.