Any classical dance whether its Indian or Western needs the two super "C"s ie, Consistency and Commitment to learn to its perfection. From my experience as a student as well as teacher what I learned is the teacher has more role in making these two C s in a student's life.Dance need a lot of patience to build the stamina, to learn the adavus with perfect hand, eye, leg co-ordination, to learn mudras, its meanings, abhinaya, and finally composing one by their own. Let's make this dream of yours come true. I can assure you a happy journey together that make not only your body but your soul too dance happily.
Cheif Tutor (Aug, 2012
–Present) at Has been teaching in my own institute Bharathakalanjali for the past 12 years
As a classical dancer as well as a teacher I totally love to make my students dance to its perfection and teaching thoroughly each and every single thing to its core so that when they perform they too enjoy the process and feel proud about them.
B A Bharathanatyam (Jun, 2008–May, 2011) from Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit–scored Distintion
BA Bharathanatyam (Jun, 2008–May, 2011) from Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit–scored Rank
Fee details
Fee will vary when students enter the intermediate and expert level. And it also vary when they began to learn items