Saira Umbreen John Chemistry teacher
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I have inculcated student led learning in my classrooms which is an innovative form of active learning that gives students ownership of their learning experience.
This style of learning equips pupils with the necessary skills to overcome different challenges not only in their learning but also in the the future, making them life long learners.
This approach is crucial because it builds skills that increase pupils passion, motivation and creativity.
Students are highly motivated to solve problems and exchange ideas and opinions.
Past paper practice is done rigorously in the class enabling students to achieve best grades.


  • Chemistry (AS and A level)

  • Chemistry (Bachelor level)


  • Chemistry teacher (Mar, 2020Present) at Roots international ivy


  • Masters (Feb, 2013Mar, 2016) from Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
  • MSc (Jan, 2009Feb, 2011) from Quaid-i-azam university, islamabad

Fee details

    Rs3,00010,000/hour (US$10.8136.03/hour)


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