I am certified hafiz quran, and certified tajweed quran. Doing shairah law in morning from university and also as a part time studying drs i nezami.. having 5 years experience of teaching part time. Will know about telwat, tajweej, translation of quran. Also cam teach fiqh, usol fiqh. I studied at university and at madrsa. And also i teached that to my friends. I was teacher at my home town of quran, qida . Then i sifted for learning more and doing graduation. So thats why i am in searching of online part time toutoring job.
Qur'an memorization Beginner-Expert
Islamiat Beginner-Expert
Quraan (Recitation and Tajweed) Beginner-Intermediate
Sunnah and Fiqah Beginner-Expert
Teacher (Mar, 2017
–Mar, 2020) at Masjid abu yaman
Shairah law (Sep, 2020–Jun, 2024) from INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY ISLAMABAD–scored 3.9 cgpa
Hifz quran (Apr, 2017–Oct, 2018) from wifaqul madaris multan
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