Praveen Y.K. Director, AMMOC Circle
13 Reviews

I am Yaashaa P. Golovanov - An accomplished scientist by profession. Additionally, I am the Director and sole instructor of AMMOC - a math circle and one of its kind mathematical program in the world. I am keen on pre-college pupils who are looking forward to prepare themselves for career in Mathematics & Mathematical Sciences. AMMOC has three segments - Intense Math Contests Preparation, Research Projects in Pure Mathematics, and Early systematic study of UG Courses. I only mentor limited number of mentees and there is no place for short term objectives.

Remark - DO NOT CONTACT me if you can't engage with me for at least one year. I DO NOT offer any 1-1 lesson. Please do not enquire about this.

Since May 2020, my proteges/ have won FULL SCHOLARSHIPS at the
--California Institute of Technology (CALTECH) - best institution for the exact sciences in the North America
--U of TORONTO (All three campuses),
--U of WATERLOO (three separate offers in Physics, Mathematics, and CS),
--CUNY, New York
--SUNY New York
--Reed College, and admission at
--ICL (UK),
--U of WISCONSIN (Madison),
--U of Amsterdam.
--Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
--AMC (8-12), AIME & ( IGO),
--BERKLEY Math Tournament
-- IMC, JMC, SMC, CAYLEY (only by Invitation to top performer in IMC) of UKMT.

• April 2024, AMMOC Team won Honourable Mention in the Stanford Mathematics Tournament and two mentees SARTHAK DATTATRAY DHOBALE & NIHAD HASHIMOV were awarded "Individual Honors" for theory exemplary performance in the "Geometry & Algebra Paper of the SMT". Check reviews by these two mentees.

• May 2024, Mentee Sarthak Dattatray Dhobale, Darsan and Parth Andhare win distinction in Hypatia, Fryer contests of University of Waterloo, 2024 with International Honour. Sarthak won EUCLID with Distinction.

• March 2024,Mentee Sarthak Dattatray Dhobale, Prasanna Pawar and Parth Andhare win distinction in FERMAT, CAYLEY, and PASCAL contests of University of Waterloo, 2024.

• March 2024, CAYLEY of UKMT - Thomas McCormick (in grade 8), son of Ecaterina McCormick qualified IMC with Gold and was invited to write CAYLEY 2024, on March 21/24. Check review by his mom, Ecaterina.

•March 2024, AMC 8, multiple students won distinction in AMC 8 (some of them are Indian and other American & Canadian).

• February 2024, CALTECH MATH MEET - the most advanced proof theoretic math tournament based upon honours UNDERGRADUATE COURSES in pure mathematics. My team of students in grade 8-12, and with mentee darsan as leader, won THIRD position in THE WORLD. Sarthak & Medha made monumental efforts to contribute in VECTOR SPACES, GROUP THEORY, REPRESENTATION THEORY AND CHARACTER THEORY. Check review by Deepti Shrivastava. Her daughter Medha is my mentee for last 3 years.

• January 2024, AMC 8/10/12 - Sarthak, Ishika, Sathya, Srabon Nath, qualified AMC 12 A, 10 B and all are invited to write AIME 2024. Even grade 6-8 mentees of mine scored in the range 80 -93 in AMC 10. Its remarkable at their grade. These mentees who are in grade 6-8 have done 17- 23 correct problems on AMC 8.
Somesh Ganny - father of Ishika and Lakshmi - Mother of Sathya (who got into SUNY, CUNY, and RPI) have written reviews about my teachings.

• January 2024 Darsan Sivakumar becomes the youngest Indian to win COMC – the most prestigious contest of Canada, organized by the Canadian Mathematical Society. Medha and Sarthak also won this contest.

• December 2024 - Mentees Sarthak, Srabon Nath, Sathya Raghunathan & Kaushik win "Award of Distinction" in the Canadian Senior Mathematics Contest of the University of Waterloo. 

• December 2024, mentees Medha, Parth, and Prasanna win "Award of Distinction" in the Canadian Intermediate Mathematics Contest (CIMC) of the University of Waterloo.

• In 2023 August, all 19 pupils of mine participated in AUSTRALIAN MATHEMATICS CONTEST (AMC - Australia), and all won awards with statistics : 1 high distinction, 7 distinction, 6 Credit and 5 awards of proficiency.

• Admissions office of UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO wrote an email to me appreciating my tireless efforts in mentoring, teaching and creating young mathematicians and inspiring them to pursue mathematics as professional career path.

- Fellows of inaugural class of AMMOC 2020 - 23 ---
1. Tisya Rawat is a first year student at CALTECH with FULL SCHOLARSHIP. She will major in Mathematics and Computer Sciences. She won 23 International Contests in Mathematics and Physics. She won international honour and distinction in EUCLID, AMC 12, FERMAT, HYPATIA, COMC, CSMC, SIN physics Contests, AMC (Australia) and several others in Asia.

2. Konstantinos Charalampous is a first year student at Univ. of Chicago. He received FULL SCHOLARSHIP of amount 370K USD. He will major in Mathematics. He won the IMO, The balkan, IMC (UKMT), Cyprus national Olympiad several times.

3. Adelina Patlatii is a second year student at Univ. of Toronto. She was also accepted at Cornell. She won bronze medal in European Girls Math Olympiad, twice.

4. Srabon Nath has been accepted at IVY league - COLUMBIA, in early decision, for class of 2028, with major in Math & CS.

5. Sarthak Dhobale has won 45 international Mathematical Medals in top contests of USA, Canada, Australia, Hong kong, IOQM and South East Asian Contests.

~~~~~~ABOUT ME~~~~~~
Google my name ''Yaashaa P. Golovanov" and you will find all my academic credentials.
I impart same standard of rigorous mathematics education as is done into undergraduate courses across all major mathematical institutions - a proof style mathematics with - definition, theorems with proofs followed by applications to problems that have appeared in major mathematical Olympiad across the globe.

•••••RESULTS of 2023 in American, Canadian, Singapore, UKMT Contests •••••
1. Tisya Chandrashekar Rawat, now at CALTECH, received
first place (resp., second) from the India region in the EUCLID (resp., Canadian Senior Mathematics Contest) of CEMC, University of Waterloo. These two contests and COMC are widely regarded as the most prestigious contests in Canada. She has won all three with distinction and international honour.
2. Sarthak Dattatray Dhobale is one of the most advanced protege of mine. He
is doing early career research work and preparing for the IMO. He has received second place from the India region in the Galois and CIMC contests of CEMC, University of Waterloo. He has won over 24 medals so far in American, Canadian, Australian, and Asian Contests.
3. Medha Shrivastava, Vaisivavel, Parth Andhare, and Darsan Sivakumar won distinction and International Honour in FRYER contest of the CEMC, University of Waterloo.
4. Deepa Rajagopal, Darsan Sivakumar, and Karma Pillai won distinction in Gauss contest of CEMC, University of Waterloo.
5. Darsan Sivakumar won a gold Medal in the Junior Mathematics Challenge of United Kingdom Mathematics Trust. He also won two bronze medal in the SIMOC olympiad which was held at National University of Singapore in the July 2023.
6. Medha Shrivastava and Vaisivael won distinction in Avagadro Chemistry Olympiad.
7. Medha Shrivastava, Archit Panda, and Vaisivavel won distinction in the Pascal Olympiad of University of Waterloo.
8. Sowjanya Vinodh also won distinction in prestigious Galois Contest - a subjective proof theoretic mathematical Olympiad of university of waterloo.
9.Sathya Raghunathan QUALIFIED AMC 12 B and wrote AIME.
10. Sathya Raghunathan, Srabon Nath won Certificate of Distinction in FERMAT Mathematics Contest - 2023
11. Ishaan Srikant has won distinction in Sir Issac Newton Physics Olympiad of University of Waterloo
12. Ishaan also won Bronze medal in Singapore and Asian Mathematics Olympiad.
13. Darsan and Thomas McCormick won GOLD medal in JMC of UKMT.

•••••____••••• Results in CANADIAN OPEN MATHEMATICS CHALLENGE (COMC) 2023•••••____•••••
In month of November 2023, total five pupils of AMMOC participated in COMC :- the most prestigious Canadian contest, pathway to team IMO of Canada and organized by CANADIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY.
1. Sarthak Dhobale "Performance with Honours",
2. Medha Shrivastava "Performance with Honours",
3. Darsan Sivakumar "Performance with Honours" in grade 8 and he is the youngest Indian to win this contest at such young age.

•••••____••••• Results in CANADIAN LYNX Math Contests 2023•••••____•••••
In month of October 2023, total five pupils of AMMOC participated in CLMC :- a flagship contest organized by CANADIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY and it has a common paper for all grade 6 to 12 students (Like first stage of any national contests, including PRMO/AMC10/12)
1. Sarthak Dhobale won Performance with Honours 2023 (Grade 11)
2. Medha Shrivastava Performance with Honours (Grade 10)
3. Parth Andhare Performance with Honours (Grade 9)
4. Huy Nguyen Performance with Honours (Grade 7)
5. Sritha Uppaluru Performance with Honours (Grade 6)

•••••____••••• Results in CANADIAN JAY Math Contests 2023•••••____•••••
In month of November 2023, total five pupils of AMMOC participated in CJMC :- a flagship contest organized by CANADIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY.
1. Thomas McCormick won "Performance with Honours",
2. Huy Nguyen won "Performance with Honours",
3. Karma Pillai won "Performance with Honours",
4. Shlok Bhalotia won "Performance with DISTINCTION", and
5. Darsan Sivakumar won "Performance with DISTINCTION".

•••••____••••• Results in AUSTRALIAN MATH CONTESTS 2023•••••____•••••
In month of August 2023, In total, 19 pupils of AMMOC participated in AMC (Australia) and all have won awards of one or other type among available categories. AMC (Australia) is a flagship national program of Australia which leads, through intermediate stages, to Team Telection Test for Australian National Mathematics Olympiad, IMOTC and IMO.

1. Thomas McCormick - Year Eight, award of High Distinction
2. Sarthak Dhobale, Year Eleven, award of Distinction
3. Kaushik Meghraj Kashyap, Year Eleven, award of Distinction
4. Ishika Ganny, Year Ten, award of Distinction
5. Deepa Rajagopal, Year Seven, award of Distinction
6. Raeyaan V. Muppaneni, Year Eight, award of Distinction
7. Karma Pillai, Year Seven, award of Distinction
8. Jashwanth Jagadeesan, Year Five, award of Distinction
9. Medha Shrivastava, Year Ten, award of Credit
10. Mukund Udaykumar, Year Nine, award of Credit
11. Parth Andhare, Year Nine, award of Credit
12. Huy Nguyen, Year Six, award of Credit
13. Arjun Rao, Year Six, award of Credit
14. Darsan Siva Kumar, Year Eight, award of Credit
15. Prasanna Mahesh Pawar, Year Ten, award of Proficiency
16. Sritha Uppaluru, Year Six, award of Proficiency
17. Karthikey More Year Six, award of Proficiency
18. Gurbani Kaur Bajaj, Year Nine, award of Proficiency
19. Rishon V. Muppaneni, Year Eight, award of Proficiency

••••____•••• Results in CANDIAN CARIBOU MATH CONTESTS 2023••••____••••
• In Month of October following 15 proteges of mine participated in premier CANADIAN CARIBOU MATHEMATICS CONTEST.
• All of them earned "AWARD of ACHIEVEMENT" for being into category listed against their names as below.
1. Huy Nguyen, Year Six, for a position in the top 1% in the WORLD.
2. Medha Shrivastava, Year Ten, for a position in the top 3% in the WORLD.
3. Deepa Rajagopal, Year Seven, for a position in the top 3% in the WORLD.
4. Darsan SivaKumar, Year Eight, for a position in the top 4% in the WORLD.
5. Jashwanth Jagadeesan, Year Five, for a position in the top 5% in the WORLD.
6. Sarthak Dhobale, Year Eleven, for a position in the top 7% in the WORLD.
7. Ishika Ganny, Year Eleven, for a position in the top 10% in the WORLD.
8. Thomas McCormick, Year Eight, for a position in the top 10% in the WORLD.
9. Parth Andhare, Year Nine, for a position in the top 15% in the WORLD.
10. Kaushik Kashyap, Year Eleven, for a position in the top 18% in the WORLD.
11. Sritha Uppaluru, Year Six, for a position in the top 20% in the WORLD.
12. Raeyaan V. Muppaneni, Year Nine, for a position in the top 20% in the WORLD.
13. Karma Pillai, Year Seven, for a position in the top 25% in the WORLD.
14. Arjun Rao, Year Six, for a position in the top 25% in the WORLD.
15. Prasanna Pawar, Year Ten, for a position in the top 32% in the WORLD.


  • Mathcounts

  • AMC 8/10

  • IMO (International Mathematical Olympiad) Beginner-Expert

  • Australian Curriculum Mathematics Grade 8-Grade 12

  • Competitive Maths AMC 10/12 and AIME Grade 6-Grade 12

  • Olympiad math Grade 6-Grade 12

  • Math Olympiads Grade 6-Grade 12

  • AMC Mathematics Beginner-Expert

  • American Mathematics Competitions (AMC) Grade 8-Grade 12

  • Math Competition Grade 6-Bachelors/Undergraduate

  • Math Kangaroo Beginner-Expert

  • AMC 8-AMC 10

  • IOQM Grade 6-Grade 12

  • AIME Beginner-Expert

  • USAMO Beginner-Expert

  • AMC 12

  • UKMT math contest Beginner-Expert

  • European Girls Mathematical Olympiad Beginner-Expert

  • Mathematical Olympiad (EGMO) Grade 6-Grade 12

  • Mathematics Olympiad (IMO, AMO) Grade 6-Grade 12


  • Mathematician || Mentor for IMO, EGMO, AMC, AIME, Canadian, Australian, and other American Contests. (May, 2017Present) at 5+ years of experience in freelance teaching
    ——-Remarkable results of my scientific, pedagogical, and rigorous Olympiad teaching at - Arnold Marsden Mathematical Olympiad Circle (AMMOC)——
    I am on a mission to create scholarly pupil who would consider to take mathematics and mathematical sciences as their career path. To do so, the specific objectives are
    1. To teach them pre-college mathematics with same standard of rigor as is done in top universities of world.
    2. To prepare them for contests and make them win prestigious contests as listed in what follows.
    3. Make them do early career research activities - ranging from exposition to original scientific papers.
    Since 2020, May, I have been executing these three objectives and results of my efforts are abundantly evident.
    ------My students have received admission offers with scholarships from CALTECH, CORNELL, University of Toronto (all three campuses), University of Waterloo, University of Wisconsin, Reed College, University of Warwick, University of Glasgow (UK), University of Saint Andrews (UK), Amsterdam University (Netherlands), Jacob University (Germany)

    ------My multiple students have won every single major mathematical Olympiads across world. For example,
    1. International - IMO, EGMO - Won by my protege konstantinos Charalampous (UG student at UChicago, now) & Adelina Patlatii (UG student at UToronto now). Winning these contests brough them full scholarships to cover their entire education at their respective universities. Konstantinos and Adelina will major in Math.

    2. American AMC 8, 10, 12, AIME - my most significant protegee Tisya and Sarthak won these contests. Tisya is now at Caltech doing her UG, class of 2027, with full scholarship. She will double major in Math & Physics.

    3. PASCAL, CAYLEY, FERMAT, FRYER, GALOIS, HYPATIA, CIMC, GAUSS, EUCLID, Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge(COMC), Canadian Senior Mathematics Competition (CSMC), Canadian Intermediate Mathematics competition (CIMC), MATH KANGAROO, BERKLEY Math Tournament, UKMT.

    4. Australian Mathematical Competitions - In year 2023, August, 19 pupils of mine participated in this prestigious contests and each of them won awards of distinction/high distinction /credit/ proficiency, whichever was applicable to them based on their scores.

    5. British Mathematical Olympiads like IMC, SMC of UKMT - my two pupil won Gold Medal in Junior Mathematics Challenge of UKMT.

    6. Balkan, Bulgarian, Mediterranean, Italian Mathematical Olympiads - Konstantinos Charalampous, who is my long term protégé and now a first year student at CALTECH, with full scholarship, won all of these contests.

    7. Hongkong, Singapore (SASMO & SIMOC), Indian, and Other south Asian Mathematical Olympiads - Each of my Indian pupil win every single contests they have participated in South East Asia.

    8. Math Kangaroo & Berkley Mini Math Tournament - Three pupil of mine participated in this contests and each of them emerged as winner.



  • Scientific Research in Differential Geometry, Geometric Analysis, and Mathematical Physics. (Jun, 2017now) from Independent Scientific Research
  • Courses in pure mathematics (Jan, 2016May, 2017) from Chennai Mathematical Institute, Chennai
  • Research Work (May, 2014May, 2015) from Indian Institute technology Bombay
  • B.Tech EE (Jul, 2011May, 2015) from MNNIT Allahabad

Fee details

    8002,000/hour (US$9.5223.79/hour)

    Generally once fixed I don’t change it often or say even if I change then at least not before two years .

13 Reviews
5 out of 5

User Photo May 6, 2024
Payment verified US$ 748.49


The AMMOC Math Circle, Yaashaa Praveen Golovanov Sir welcomed me in January 2024. Since then, I've been going to class for three hours every day, and I've been studying geometry, algebra, combinatorics, and number theory—the four most important areas of mathematics—for the past three months with Sir Yaashaa Praveen. Based on my extensive experience and understanding, I can state with confidence that Yaashaa Praveen Sir's approach, his capacity to elucidate proofs of classical theorems of stated branches of mathematics in a clear and concise manner, and his demeanour towards students not only impart mathematical knowledge to us but also instill a love for the subject, inspiring us to pursue our studies in this fascinating area. Due to his INTENSE and RIGOROUS PROOF THEORETIC LESSONS, I was awarded
• a HONOURABLE MENTION in each of the subjects of geometry and algebra separately, and • an additional HONOURABLE MENTION in the 'Power Round' for our AMMOC Team in the STANFORD MATHEMATICS TOURNAMENT, which was organized by the STANFORD UNIVERSITY, one of the TOP Universities in the world.
Along with all of this, I would strongly advise everyone who enjoys math to enroll in Yaashaa Praveen Sir's truly deep & proof theoretic classes at his genuinely advanced and premier math circle - Arnold & Marsden Mathematical Circle (AMMOC), to get ready for exams like IMO, EGMO, APMO, AIME, USAMO, AMC, and UKMT.

User Photo February 15, 2024
Payment verified US$ 355

A rigorous & structured program for AMC, AIME, and bright STEM prospects

Mr. Yaashaa Praveen Golovanov has been a mentor for my daughter since May 2023. My daughter started as his student, at his AMMOC Circle, after her 10th grade, where she missed qualifying for the AMC10.
WITHIN A SPAN OF 5-6 MONTHS, Mr. Golovanov pushed her math skill and helped her qualify for
• AIME, through AMC 12, during her 11th grade.
• Distinction in Australian Math Contest
In addition to just helping the student with Mathematics, he has been an amazing mentor, providing guidance and assistance to plan for my daughter’s college as we head to pursue her college goals in the next year. He urges students to push themselves and find new limits in their thoughts and capabilities. He has huge list of contests (American, Canadian, European, Asian) in which he pushes each student to participate.

• We feel honored and blessed to have Mr. Golovanov as a mentor, guide and teacher for our daughter.
Mr. Yaashaa Praveen Golovanov is an honored teacher with dedication and commitment. He has started his math circle - AMMOC in pursuit to create great engineers, mathematicians, and scientists of the future.
PS - assignments are regular and mandatory for submission. Each class happen in a GROUP of students (in single digit). Many parents want one-to-one attention, however, it’s a highly structured group of mathematically equivalent student who come to attend the class.
• My daughter is not only one who has improved her math so well at AMMOC, each student has same success story and qualifying to AMC 8,10,12. We have a parent group in which we can see the level of ENTHUSIASM & PRIDE each parent has about their child being a student of Yaashaa Golovanov.
• IT IS A VERY RIGOROUS & USSR STYLE math circle and if you get a chance to be part of his select circle, please don’t hesitate and you should consider to join him. He has over half students from US and Canada. Others are from Europe and India.

User Photo October 24, 2023
Payment verified US$ 500


My son began his journey with Yaashaa Praveen as his tutor approximately 8 months ago, and the transformation in his Maths skills since then has been NOTABLY COMMENDABLE with following achievements under guidance & teaching of Yaashaa Praveen -
• Gold Honour/Medal in premier IMC - contest of UKMT and further invitation to participate in the prestigious CAYLEY MATHEMATICAL OLYMPIAD of UKMT.
• 16/25 in AMC 8.
• Performance with Honours” in Canadian Jay Mathematics Contest - CJMC (2023) - a flagship contest of the Canadian Mathematical Society.
• High distinction in Australian Mathematics Contest for being in top 2.5 %
• Being in Top 5% in the Canadian Caribou contests supported by Canadian Mathematical Society & The Fields Institute
It's evident that Yaashaa Praveen harbors a deep passion for Maths and this enthusiasm translates into his teaching and pedagogical methods at his now a premier Math Circle - AMMOC.
He consistently pushes the students to reach their highest potential, ensuring they are well-prepared and confident. The curriculum he has adopted is strategically tailored and has quintessential reflection of USSR and Eastern European approach to mathematical education leading to SUCCESFULL PREPARATION towards SEVERAL PREMIER INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS COMPETETIONS from USA (AMC, AIME, HMMT, USAMO), UK (UKMT's JMC-IMC-SMC), CANADA (CMO, COMC, CEMC contests), RUSSIA (Geometry Olympiad) and ASIA. His recommendation for the students to participate in one exam per month has been fruitful, as it's evident in the OUTSTANDING RESULTS ACHIEVED by not just few, rather BY ALL OF HIS MENTEES under his guidance. My son, Tommy, thoroughly enjoys each session with Yaashaa Praveen, even though the challenges presented are often of high complexity. Yaashaa Praveen embodies everything one hopes for in an EXCEPTIONAL TEACHER, MENTOR, and INSPIRER with a profound understanding of the Mathematics paired with immense passion. I WHOLEHEARTEDLY RECOMMEND to join him and his rigorous & structured program - AMMOC Circle.

User Photo October 2, 2023
Payment verified US$ 596.73 (50000 INR)

A Catalyst in transforming ‘Kids interested in Maths’ to ‘Budding Mathematicians’

Mr Praveen has been nurturing my daughter Deepa for more than 6 months coaching her in proof based mathematics in the area of Algebra, Combinatorics, Euclidean geometry and Number Theory.
The classes are intense with importance given to daily assignments where the effort and intent of the kid to complete the assignment is weighted more than the results of assignment problems. Since his mentoring process has already been trail and tested backed by solid results it easy as a parent to just follow his schedule and plan with complete confidence.

User Photo June 8, 2023
Payment verified US$ 471.15 (39600 INR)

A serious mathematical program for aspirants of AMC, AIME, IMO, and aspiring mathematicians

I have been learning Olympiad mathematics with Mr. Yaashaa Praveen since May 7, 2022. With him, in his selective class of mathematically inclined students, I learnt art of proofs in mathematics using mathematical induction, proof by contradiction in theorems related with INTEGERS POLYNOMIALS, MASS POINT GEOMETRY, CEVA, MENELAUS, EISENSTEIN’s IRREDUCIBILITY criterion, BASIC COMBINATORICS, MID POINT THEOREMs. We did triangle geometry at good depth including trigonometric solutions to triangle. In all these topics, after proof of each theorem, we studied concrete application on problems of mathematical contests like AMC 10, 12, AIME, EUCLID, FERMAT, HYPATIA, CHIENSE, HUNGARIAN, BULGARIAN, ROMANIAN and other contests. Assignments are very challenging, and submission of them is strict policy otherwise he would cancel class if student fail to submit assignments. He encourages asking questions during class and repeatedly checks on each student to see if they are understanding the topics. The course rigor helps to do well in the subject.

He introduced me to the Canadian Math Contests and I brought it up to my school math team. It benefited our school's math team students. Under his Mentorship and teaching I was qualified to write AIME by making the AMC12 cutoff. I won DISTINCTION in FERMAT contest of UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO. I hope to learn lot more mathematics in coming months with Mr. Yaashaa G. Praveen. My math concepts and skills have improved tremendously in the short span and has given me confidence to self study.

User Photo March 8, 2023
Payment verified US$ 893.28 (75000 INR)

A mentor with PERFECT RIGOROUS teaching and uniform SUCCESS in every single math contest

Yaashaa Praveen Sir’s educational “AMMOC Math Circle” has been one of the most academically challenging, advanced yet rewarding program that both I & MY PARENTS have seen. Review Updated Feb 2024.
---JOINED on April 19, 2021 & continuing so far with following OUTCOMES---
• Distinction & International Honour by U. of WATERLOO for
1. Proof theoretic FRYER Contest, June 2023
2. Objective AMC 10 level Pascal Contest, 2023
3. Subjective CIMC Contest at AMC 10 level, 2024
4. AVAGADRO Chemistry Contest, 2023.
Performance in Contests of Canadian Mathematical Society
1. Performance with Honours in Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge (COMC) – The most prestigious Olympiad of Canada leading to invitation at CMO and further in IMO. This is of same difficulty level as AMC 12.
2. Performance with Honours in prestigious “CLMC” contest of CANADIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY.
3. In top 3 % in the WORLD, with rank 111 out of 4220 participants worldwide in premier CANADIAN CARIBOU contest.
Performance in Australian Mathematics Contest and Asian Contest
1. “Award of CREDIT” in AUSTRALIAN Math Contest.
2. More than 20, Silver/Gold/Bronze Honours in Various international contest in the south Asia.

--Rigor, Teaching style & Evaluation--
He is a professional mathematician and scientist. His teaching reflects
• His passion to impart his in-depth knowledge to new generation
• In discussions of doubts, he recalls all necessary definitions & theorems repeatedly. It is time-consuming yet extremely rewarding.
• It takes time to realise how your approach towards the subject & problems given is changing. Alongside that, results shall also appear later like in my case. I have seen how he has nurtured three seniors with daily lecture for two years -
•I am slow learner and in these last 2.5 years I have learnt real hard stuff in Mathematics which are not taught anywhere otherwise. Give yourself a time of AT LEAST ONE YEAR & you will witness remarkable growth in your abilities.

User Photo February 16, 2023
Payment verified US$ 10

Amazing teacher for those aiming for Olympiads or research mathematics

Review of Arnold-Marsden Institute of Mathematical Olympiad:-
In this Program Yaashaa Praveen has three objectives -
1. To teach mathematics to students as ``science of logical deduction``. Each Course begins with all prerequisite so that every participant follows up the lecture regardless of his or her background. Also, throughout lectures he keeps recalling definitions, theorems and if necessary even theirs proofs which he taught us previously. This helps us to develop intuition as we relearn things from him.
2. The courses though start at very scratch say at level of competition likes AMC 8, AMC 10, PASCAL, FRYER, GALOIS, GAUSS, UKMT [IMC, SMC] wherein he proves every elementary theorem that one encounters till his grade 10 in his/her studies of mathematics and then he discusses past papers of these prestigious junior mathematical Olympiads. Those who qualify these exams are then prepared for Second Tier national exams AMC 12, AIME 12, and like COMC, FERMAT, EUCLID, HYPATIA, CSMC of university of waterloo. Courses are divided in Levels like ALGEBRA1, 2, 3, Geometry 1, 2, 3, Number theory 1, 2, 3, Combinatorics 1, 2, 3. So, there is no danger of student finding any course difficult. Of course, there is too much of freedom to ask any doubts that you have. Third part becomes incredibly hard, substantially rigorous and a gives student a feeling of a truly aspiring young mathematician and is only for those who have qualified multiple exams at second part of course. I studied DIOPHANTINE EQUATION as third part of number theory. I can tell you that his lectures on third part of NUMBER THEORY, COMBINATORICS, ALGEBRA, GEOMETRY are parallel to standards like in undergraduate program of top American, Canadian, and European Institute of Higher Mathematics. For third part he uses books which are used in undergraduate courses of HARVARD, MIT, BERKLEY, PRINCETON, STANFORD. For examples, Yaashaa Praveen uses books of Richard Bruladi [professor of University of WISCONSIN] Michael Th. Rassias [PhD from Princeton and Faculty at ETH in zurich], is former mathematician of Princeton now at ETH in ZURICH, Alexander Gievental [ leading mathematician of UNIVERSITY OF BERKLEY]. Books of these mathematicians are recommended even on official IMO website. To my knowledge, those who have attended level 3 of his courses, like Konstantinos Charalambous, Adelina, Gyani Tisya, have qualified in IMO, EGMO, COMC, EUCLID, CSMC, IOQM, AMC, AIME, and have won FELLOWSHIPS to study in

User Photo June 8, 2022
Payment verified US$ 545.04 (45500 INR)

An extraordinary scholarly program for math Olympiads & Scholarships to US/UK/CANADA’s Univ.

----Remark – This REVIEW was UPDATED in OCTOBER 2023----
----My son Sarthak joined Yaashaa Praveen Sir 3 years before in October 2020 & continuing ----
With THREE YEARS of CONTINUED learning, MATHEMATICAL ACHIEVEMENTS of my son are (you can verify these data on his LinkedIn profile)-
• 27 Medals in International Math Contest including following
• 5 “Award of Distinction” by Univ. of WATERLOO for his performance in CAYLEY, CIMC, FRYER, GALOIS, & EUCLID Contest.
• 2 Awards of “INTERNATIONAL HONOUR” by U of WATERLOO for his performance in CIMC & GALOIS.
• 4 times “MERIT award” in IOQM/PRMO and one time qualified to appear in “RMO, 2023”.
• 3 “Award of DISTINCTION” by CANADIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY for his performance in “CANADIAN LYNX Mathematics Contest, Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge & Canadian Caribou Contest”.
• SILVER MEDAL in International Math League Summer Challenge (USA) for standing in top 15 % WORLDWIDE.
• Award of DISTINCTION in AUSTRALIAN Math Contest.
----The MISSION & VISION Golovanov Sir for his proteges -----
• is to make them scholastic in mathematics & science
• to prepare and help them to obtain FULL SCHOLARSHIPS like following three of his longer-term mentees received –
• *TISYA Rawat at California Institute of Technology CALTECH, UG, class of 2027
• *KONSTANTINOS Charalampous at U of CHICAGO, UG in Math, class of 2027
• *ADELINA Patlatii at U of Toronto, UG in Math & CS, class of 2026
• To continue to teach them UG mathematics & Physics
• To invite students to meet him and introduce his mentees to top professional Mathematicians & physicist in India, USA, UK, Russia & Canada.
• Discuss theoretical contents and problems of uncommon difficulty level that can challenge the ingenuity of any research mathematician.
• To provide early career research opportunities and teach undergraduate courses LINEAR ALGEBRA, GROUP, RINGS, FIELDS, GALOIS THEORY, DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY & TOPOLOGY in highly accessible way to his high school proteges.
• He INVITED me to his HOME & cancelled classes for a week for all his mentees so that he could spend time with me, and counselled me about the next two years of my mathematical & scientific journey with him (till 2025). NO ONE CARES THE WAY HE CARES for his protégés.
-----It is rarest opportunity that you can find to learn with a TRUE SCIENTIST & MATHEMATICIAN of his STATURE. Join him-----

User Photo May 11, 2022
Payment verified US$ 59.79 (5000 INR)

A Fundamental Olympiad Program for Aspirants of IMO, EGMO, AMC, AIME, IOQM, INMO

The aim of this program is to teach habit of systematics thinking about a mathematical problems using axiom, definitions , theorems and theirs proof. When my child Mr Prathik joined this programme he was average into mathematics, which generally is case with most because ours EDUCATION SYSTEM TEACHES ONLY FACTS AND NOT THE REASONS BEHIND THOSE SCIENTIFIC FACTS.
This program FILLS this gap exactly.
When a child learns how to figure out which statement is a definition of an object , say circle , and which statement related to circle is not the definition of circle , it just ignites his brain and quest for investigation the necessary aspects of “defining a concept “.
At this age , if a child learns
1. how to formulate definition,
2. isolate hypothesis from claim of a theorem ,
3. to learn implications of a mathematical statement ,
4. when one mathematical statement is equivalent to other mathematical statement,
5. How to solve a problem purely using definition and then searching alternate solutions using theorems and not purely by definition
Then you know in what direction you’re child is heading to . Even a very average child sees significant growth into his critical intellectual abilities in span of six months . Over dozen of students have won performance of distinction in olympiads like AMC, Fermat , SEAMO, IOQM, EGMO, IMO. This teacher is a scientific researcher. So the program is highly pedagogy.
His courses are all divided like below
AG1. Algebra one that covers algebra from class 6-8
GE1. That covers geometry from class 6-8
NT1. Number theory of integers primarily
He teaches graph theory , combinatorics , geometry number theory to 8th-10th grader in a way that they can easily solve AMC 10 problems very well . And yes after this IIT exam shall be a just a smooth transition with concepts.

He believes that every problems is special case of a general theorem and so study , analysis and proof of theorems is central piece of his teaching . Then Yaashaa Praveen Sir applies those theorems to study problems of Olympiad.
He teaches mathematics, physics and chemistry all with same objective “with understanding of theory one can solve any problems at competitive Olympiad and IIT “.

User Photo March 22, 2022
Payment verified US$ 538.98 (45000 INR)

Systematic Proof style program for IMC, AIME, UKMT, IMC, SMC, BMO, IMO.

In March 2022, I was in search of a teacher who can prepare my son Darsan Sivakumar for Mathematics Olympiads of USA, UK, CANADA, AUSTRALIA, HONG KONG, SINGAPORE, INDIA. My son joined Yaashaa Golovanov’s AMMOC online Olympiad preparation program in April 2022 (at start of his 7th grade then).
••OUTCOMES after 16 months of learning (and continuing)••
1. GOLD MEDAL in Junior Mathematics Challenge of UKMT, 2023.
2. DISTINCTION with INTERNATIONAL HONOUR in prestigious international math contests FRYER [30/40]. FRYER is organized UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO and is mathematically equivalent to AMC 10.
3. DISTINCTION in GAUSS mathematics Contest of University of Waterloo [121/150]. Cut-off for distinction was 116 and I scored 121, in Gauss (mathematically harder than AMC 8).
4. BRONZE MEDAL in National round of Singapore and Asian Schools Mathematics Olympiad (SASMO)
5. BRONZE MEDAL in Individual round of Singapore International Mathematics Olympiad Challenge (SIMOC) held at National University of Singapore (NUS) during 22 – 24, 2023.
6. BRONZE Medal in Team Round of SIMOC held at NUS, 22- 24 July, 2023.

He is now in 8th grade. However, his syllabus for AMC 10 is already over. He is currently doing past papers of national and international math contests.
•••CONTENTS COVERED in 15 months•••
•NUMBER THEORY: Divisibility and Modular Arithmetic, Prime factorization, Number Theoretic Function, Indeterminate Equations – basically first six chapter of David Burton’s ENT textbook
•ALGEBRA: Proofs of theorems in Sequences and Series (AP, GP, HP), complex numbers, Quadratic and Cubic Polynomials, theory of integer polynomials, GAUSS LEMMA, EISENSTEIN irreducibility criterion, RATIONAL ROOT THEOREMS, factor theorem of polynomials.
•GEOMETRY: - Trigonometry in connection with geometry, Mass Point Geometry, Proofs of theorems of Ceva, Menelaus using mass point geometry, STEWART’s Theorem. Similarity of triangles and connection with Area of triangle, Apollonius theorem, Mid-Point Theorems, Pythagoras theorem and application to Problems of AMC 8, 10, 12. Geometry of Circles and Cyclic Quadrilaterals.
•Combinatorics : Counting Principles.
•For each topic that we cover, we work on problems that have appeared in various contests of USA, Romania, Bulgaria, Russia, Singapore, China, Britain, Canada, Australia, UKMT, IMC etc.
Lectures are lucid, rigorous & mathematically involved with proof and applications of theorems on past questions of Olympiads. 28/7/23

User Photo March 16, 2022
Payment verified US$ 59.50 (5000 INR)


Very Impressive style of teaching which induces kids to the fundamentals of physics wherein complete emphasis is given to
1) explain and define the concepts very well . 2) Using definition, through application tools of calculus , vector algebra , trigonometry to prove results in physics
3) To let student to attend problems on theirs own .
Unless student exhaust his or her mental faculty , the hints are not given . Eventually through hints student yields solutions .
This continues for all section with 3-4 problems per class and with 5-8 probelm a as home assignments after each class in case if class is on daily basis.
Class resumes with discussion of doubts .
Whenever a new concepts is to be defined he makes student to think of a possible definition. Student invest few minutes to think about the possible definition before Yaashaa Praveen Sir gives actual definition. The need of those words in each definition is carefully explained. After definition , follows up some results(mathematical proof) and subsequent problems solving .
At the end of each chapter 42 years PAST PAPERS OF IIT ASVANCED are mostly solved by student on his/her.

So it is student driven programme.

Since it is student who takes efforts to apply definition and mathematical results in solving problems , so the speed is moderate and this is biggest strength of this program.
This also makes it clear that he doesn’t offer you a short term course. In very rare case he admits a student of class 12th. Generally student with time period around 12 months are only who get chance to learn from him IIT MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICS.
He teaches and have won several medals for his students in MATHEMATICAL OLYMPIAD as well .

In mathematics, he stick to principles “ no statement shall be written on board whose proof can’t be discussed in class”. So you would learn everything first as proof , then application on problems from classical Russian Books , EVENTUALLY ENABLING STUDENT TO SOLVE PAST 40 YEARS PAPERS of IIT advanced and Mains in his/her own. Any one who joins him would witness it moment he closes any one chapters.

He doesn’t teaches one to one . It is in group of 4-8 students . But he keeps a cap that maximum number of student in any group should not exceed single digit (maximum 9)
Reads yours assignments, corrects them, takes any and every doubts in class . If you don’t ask doubts you stand less chance to survive in his programme.
He expects children of std 8-11th to b

User Photo February 28, 2022
Payment verified US$ 297.80 (25000 INR)

A mentor who would change your view about IIT mathematics and physics

Truly excited to give a review on Mr. Praveen Yaasha sir. My son is fortunate that we could find this extra ordinary teacher, mentor. My child is in 12th and will be appearing for his JEE exams in the coming examinations. We have been taking efforts to join him for a good mentorship and my son doesn't show interest to learn from COACHING INSTITUTIONS ,WHERE THEY FEED JUST PURE FACTS WOTHOUT GIVING ANY REASON OR PROOF.
We as parents were particular that he should get good education with proper reasons behind things in his course and should be able to face entrance examination.
Since June 2021 he is under able guidance of Mr. Praveen Yaasha, and learning Physics and Mathematics. He teaches everything like a discussion forums , he gives time to student to think about each definition/theorems/problems before he gives them first hint , se one hint and final solutions.

My son solves every problems of JEE mains /AIEEE and advanced at last when each chapter is closed . Most of the time he solves almost 85-90% of the PAST mains and ADVANCED problems on his own easily.

He checks up all assignments, speaks at very personal level to each student, motivate them towards higher education. He could learn many new things with clarity and depth on concepts.

He also insists and encourage my son to join Olympiad and other national and international exams

We could see a remarkable change in my son’s progress and he attend the classes with more interest. We are sure that With Praveen sir’s guidance my son will make to a Great institution for his under graduate education , and we strongly recommend to the parents that it is a great opportunity which is rare , the parents should not miss.

He educate kids for physics mathematics for IIT and Olympiad as well .

His course runs at moderate pace and doesn’t takes for short term crash course . He would only take student if student has at least around an year to learn from him .

I hope parents do read it to find a suitable mentor, in Yaashaa Praveen Sir , for theirs child .

User Photo July 16, 2021
Payment verified US$ 2760

Very knowledgable and systemic approach in teaching students

After the first lesson, Praveen understood well the student and knew what methods to apply to close the gaps and assure a steady and reliable growth to achive the desired goals. He uses good resources (books, papers, solutions) and also provides his notes (in written) after each lesson.
We recommend Praveen as a highly professional Math teacher for advanced mathematics.