Hello, dear friends. I’m a real airman who is loving aviation and all what it surrounded with. Firstly, militarily pilot, than a civilian captain of B737 CL/NG and A320 family, FCL/FAA/EASA licenses holder, graduated English teacher, translator, certified Aviation English Instructor with great experience and knowledge to share. Always waiting for people who are keen on learning English, Aviation English and all about aviation. General English from beginner to advanced, Radio Telephony Communication (standard phraseology), Aviation English (plain English), preparing for Englisch Language Proficiency Test. Welcome to my private lessons.
Radio telephony Beginner-Expert
General English Beginner-Expert
Aviation English Beginner-Expert
Aviation English Instructor (Jan, 2015
–Present) at Aviation flight Academy
Aviation English Instructor/Rater/Examiner (Jun, 2013
–Oct, 2020) at ICAO Institute, Ukraine
Initial Captain TR A320 (Feb, 2020–Mar, 2020) from Panam Flight Academy Miami
ATP CTP and TR B 737 (Dec, 2017–Feb, 2018) from Panam Flight Academy Miami
Specialist (Jun, 2016–Jun, 2017) from Prrivate University, Zaporizhzhia
Aviation English Rater/Examiner (May, 2013–May, 2013) from ICAO Institute, Ukraine
Aviation English Instructor (Mar, 2013–Apr, 2013) from ICAO Institute, Ukraine
Specialist (Sep, 2009–Jan, 2012) from Kirovohrad State Pedagogical uNIVERSITY
IOS and SOS (distinguished) (Mar, 1996–Jul, 1996) from Air University, Maxwell AFB, Montgomery, AL, USA
General and Secialized English (Jan, 1996–Mar, 1996) from DEFENSE LANGUAGE INSTITUTE ENGLISH LANGUAGE CENTER (DLIELC)
Bachelor (Jul, 1986–Oct, 1990) from Military flight Academy
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