Derochia Andrea Louw English and Afrikaans Tutor
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Teaching is my passion, it allows me to make a positive impact in the lives of others . I find joy inspiring and empowering students to reach their full potential .In my class we strive for excellence .
You can expect a supportive and focused learning environment as I am dedicated to creating an engaging learning environment for all . I combine different elements of teaching styles in my classroom to accommodate each and every one of my students whether beginner or intermediate. Teaching enables me to contribute to betterment and improvement of society by nurturing the skills and minds of the next generation


  • English Beginner-Intermediate

  • Afrikaans Beginner-Intermediate


No experience mentioned.


  • Higher Certificate in Education Senior phase and further education training (Feb, 2023Dec, 2023) from University of South Africa
  • TEFL (Jan, 2023Feb, 2024) from Teacherrecord

Fee details

    R1002,000/hour (US$5.29105.82/hour)


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