Sovia Andani Qur'an
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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Hello my name is Via. I only teach children (for boy who not 'balig' yet) and women who don't know at all about to reading Qur'an. if you want to start to study how to reading Qur'an but you don't know how to start it? Maybe this is what you are looking for.

Friends who learn with me usually study seriously but casually at the same time. They learn to read the Qur'an from the basic level by using a book called iqra.

Jazakumullah Khairan wa barakallahu Fiikum for your attention.

📝 I'm sorry I can't show my face as a picture's profile

Allahul musta'an


  • Qur'an Beginner


  • Qur'an (Nov, 2022Present) at Forum Halaqah Qur’an An-Nafsul Muthmainnah
    I am teaching iqra (one of many methods to learn how to read quran) for elementary students from grade one to four.
  • Education (Dec, 2016Present) at ACTIVE TUTORING CENTER
    I am teaching preschool, elementary, junior and senior students.
    Preschool > Iqra and playing
    Elementary > school subjects, Iqra, and basic tajweed
    Junior and Senior > basic English, Iqra and basic tajweed.


  • - (Jun, 2019Dec, 2021) from Forums Halaqah Qur’an An-Nafsul Muthmainnahscored -

Fee details

    Rp50,000150,000/hour (US$3.129.36/hour)


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