Swati I have speciality in teaching Physics.
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Hi, i have done doctorate degree in physics with a strong foundation in rigorous research methodologies. I had worked as a lecturer in Guru Nanak Dev University. With a keen attention to my students and a commitment to help students gaining knowledge in every possible way, I approach my work with curiosity, and a determination to make a positive result. My methodology for teaching is quite interesting. I believe in giving both practical as well as theoretical aspects of every topic. Doing so, a students never need to cram anything. The result is students start enjoying to study with keen interest which will help him in today's as well as tomorrow's journey. Secondly, it will definitely boost their confidence level and improve their determination strength. Thirdly, such qualified students will make their own way towards success.


  • Maths Grade 8-Grade 10

  • Physics Grade 8-Masters/Postgraduate


  • Lecturer (Feb, 2022Sep, 2023) at Guru Nanak Dev University
    I had worked as a lecturer in physics stream (graduate and post graduate) in Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar.


  • Physics (Aug, 2019Jul, 2023) from Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar

Fee details

    4560/hour (US$0.530.71/hour)


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