Equipped with a Chartered Accountancy Membership on top of more than 5 year, professional working experience at Global Audit Firms
(London, UK, Luxembourg, and Bahrain) assurance division, Financial
Services Office (FSO), this experience provides me with vast set of exposure and helps in putting the theoretical learnings to practical world, and how can the given examinations be passed easily with quick hacks of learning so you no longer have to worry for memorising anything as it is all about the concepts being cleared.
I have taught students and to this day i happily can tell none of my students have ever failed so please join me towards a great future of excellence
Audit and Assurance O level-A level
ACCA (FA1, FA2, MA1, MA2, F1, F2, F3)
Incharge (Nov, 2019
–Present) at Big 4 accouting and audit firm _ Bahrain
I am equipped with a professional membership of ACCA and currently work in assurance with a reputable firm
Fee details
Fee can vary depending upon the course you select and the number of papers u opt altogether to be studied