Devops tools
Build tools
Java - maven gradle
Dot Net - Ms build
CICD Jenkins
Docker swarm / compose
AWS service which is related to devops
Section 1: Linux administration commands - Pending
File and Directory Operations Commands
File Permission Commands
File Compression and Archiving Commands
Process Management Commands
System Information Commands
Networking Commands
User Management Commands
Generic DevOps
Section 1: Git - Pending
Introduction to Version Control System
What is Git?
Difference between Git and other Version Control Tools.
Install Git on Linux
Understand Git life cycle
Create Git repository - Local repository and configure it to GitHub
Create a repository on GitHub and clone it
Understand basic Git commands
Work with remote repositories
Configure remote repository on GitHub
Work with Fork and Pull requests in GitHub
Perform git operations on the remote repository
Branching and Merging
Branching in Git
How Git internally manages branches
How to switch between branches and different commits
Merging Strategies
Git Fetch and Git Pull
Git Diff
Merging and rebasing (using Source tree)
Git tags
Difference between branching and tagging
Performing different Branching and Merging operations
Gitflow Workflow
Forking Workflow
Git Patch
Git Revert
Git cherrypick
Section 2: Docker - Pending
Docker On Linux Platform
Installation: CentOS
Installation: continued
Deploy, Login, Exit Container
List,Start, Stop Restart Containers
Containers on Filesystem
Working with Containers Hostnames
Multiple Containers
Stats Inspect
Deleting Containers
End of Module
Docker CE on Linux Platform
Docker Networking
None Network
Container Networking
Bridge Network
Host Network
Disconnect And Add Network
Introduction to Overlay Network
Create New Networks
Exercise: Use Custom Networks
Remove Networks
Multiple Networks In Container
Docker Networking
Docker Images
Docker Images: Recap
Docker Images CLI Commands
Docker Images CLI Commands: Contd
Search and Pull Images from Docker Hub
Build Image using Dockerfile
Build Image using Commit
Push Images to Docker Hub
Docker file Instructions
Docker Images
Docker Storage and Volumes
Docker Storage Drivers
Selecting Storage Driver
Persistent Storage
Manage Application Data
Docker Volumes
Docker Bind Mounts
Docker tmpfs Mounts
External Storage
Docker Storage and Volumes
Docker Compose
Case for Docker Compose
Compose Installation
Section 3: Jenkins – Pending
Introduction to Jenkins
Install Jenkins on Linux System (standalone server as well as on Docker Container)
Starting Up with Jenkins
Overview of Jenkins UI
Creating a Jenkins Job
Configuring a Jenkins job
Installing the Jenkins setup, create a simple Jenkins job, delete, fail, disable the job
Introduction to Plugins
Adding Plugins to Jenkins
Configuring Jenkins to work with java, Git and Maven
Creating a Jenkins Build and Jenkins workspace
Configure Jenkins to check for source code changes periodically.
Working with Maven Build Jobs
Adding the plugins to the Jenkins job, creating a Jenkins job to check for source code changes,
creating maven build jobs
Creating a Freestyle Build Job
Introduction to Build Triggers and to Build Steps
Pre-and Post-Build Actions: Adding properties and properties files
Running Your New Build Job
Parametrized Builds
Setting Email notification
Enabling Security in Jenkins
Different Levels of Authentication
Creating Freestyle jobs, demo on security and authorization in Jenkins, sending email
notifications, running the Jenkins job
Introduction to Distributed Jenkins Build
Configuring Master Jenkins node
Configuring the Jenkins slave
Managing nodes and distributing jobs over nodes
Binding Jobs on the master and slave setup
Labelling the nodes to run a specific job
Configuring slave node in your Jenkins, adding labels to nodes, managing the nodes
Backup of Jenkins and Migrating Jenkins from one server to another.
Deployment Overview
Implementing Automated and Continuous Deployment
Deploying an application to an application server
Install and configure tomcat.
Deployment of Simple Java web application using Tomcat.
Jenkins Build Pipeline
Jenkins integrations with GitHub
Continuous deployment using Jenkins, parallel and pipeline builds, Jenkins integrations
Overview of Pipeline as code
Overview of Pipeline Plugin
Automated Jenkins Pipeline
Section 4: Ansible - Pending
Ansible - Introduction, features, Architecture
Introduction To Ansible
Features Of Ansible
Use Cases Of Ansible
What Can Do In Production Environment
Ansible Documentation
How Ansible Is Different From Configuration Management Tools
Ansible Architecture
Ansible - Workflow, Terminologies, Installation
Ansible Workflow
Ansible Terminologies
Ansible Lab-setup
Ansible Control Machine Requirements
Ansible Control Machine on RHEL
Verify Ansible installation and version
Verify Ansible Playbook version
Locate Ansible configuration file
Ansible-Yaml, Inventory, Groups
Representation Of Dictionary In Yaml
Non-group Inventory File
Group Inventory File
Ansible Inventory Parameters
Use Case Of - Ansible_host
Use Case Of - Ansible_port
Use Case Of - Ansible_connection
Use Case Of - Ansible_user
Use Case Of - Ansible_ssh_pass
Use Case Of - Ansible_password
Ansible- Modules, Ad Hoc, Playbooks
Ansible Playbooks
Sample Ansible Playbook
Ansible Playbook Format
Ansible Modules
Ansible Tasks
How To Run A Playbooks
How to Run a playbook on target hosts
Ansible Run Command Methods
Ansible - Variables, Conditions, Loops, Roles, Galaxy
Ansible Variables
Ansible Conditions
Ansible Loops
Ansible Vaults
Ansible Roles
Section 5: Terraform – Pending
Understand infrastructure as code (IaC) concepts
Explain what IaC is
Describe advantages of IaC patterns
Understand the purpose of Terraform (vs other IaC)
Explain multi-cloud and provider-agnostic benefits
Explain the benefits of state
Understand Terraform basics
Install and version Terraform providers
Describe plugin-based architecture
Write Terraform configuration using multiple providers
Describe how Terraform finds and fetches providers
Use Terraform outside of core workflow
Describe when to use terraform import to import existing infrastructure into your Terraform state
Use terraform state to view Terraform state
Describe when to enable verbose logging and what the outcome/value
Interact with Terraform modules
Contrast and use different module source options including the public Terraform Module Registry
Interact with module inputs and outputs
Describe variable scope within modules/child modules
Set module version
Use the core Terraform workflow
Describe Terraform workflow ( Write -> Plan -> Create )
Initialize a Terraform working directory (terraform init)
Validate a Terraform configuration (terraform validate)
Generate and review an execution plan for Terraform (terraform plan)
Execute changes to infrastructure with Terraform (terraform apply)
Destroy Terraform managed infrastructure (terraform destroy)
Apply formatting and style adjustments to a configuration (terraform fmt)
Implement and maintain state
Describe default local backend
Describe state locking
Handle backend and cloud integration authentication methods
Differentiate remote state back end options
Manage resource drift and Terraform state
Describe backend block and cloud integration in configuration
Understand secret management in state files
Read, generate, and modify configuration
Demonstrate use of variables and outputs
Describe secure secret injection best practice
Understand the use of collection and structural types
Create and differentiate resource and data configuration
Use resource addressing and resource parameters to connect resources together
Use HCL and Terraform functions to write configuration
Describe built-in dependency management (order of execution based)
Understand Terraform Cloud capabilities
Explain how Terraform Cloud helps to manage infrastructure
Describe how Terraform Cloud enables collaboration and governance
Terraform Intermediate
DevOps - AWS - Jenkins, GIT, Puppet, Ansible, Terraform, Docker Expert
Tomcat Intermediate
CI/CD Intermediate
SonarQube Intermediate
No experience mentioned.
B.Tech (Aug, 2008–Aug, 2012) from karpaga vinayaga institute of Engineering and technology, madhuranthagam
Fee details
Based on tools and services