Hemant Sharma (Popularly known as HP sir among students) an IIT Kharagpur Alumni is gifted with rare ability to train masterminds, has mentored over 100 IITians in his more than 18 years of teaching sojourn. His special ability to simplify the toughest of the Physics concepts rates him as one of the best Physics teachers for IIT JEE and Medical.
Now after encountering all types of students - some brilliant and some not-so-intelligent - he is relentlessly working upon a mission to make Physics more simplified and Infectious even to an average and no so confident students.
This Teach Yourself Model is an effort to make study of Physics more fascinating, more scoring and above all accessible to everyone. who want to study physics "in the way it should have" by developing critical thinking skill, analytical skill, observation skills, extrapolation skills and above all Problem Solving skills.
Physics for NEET
Physics for IIT JEE Main & Advanced
Director & HOD Physics (Oct, 2019–Present) at The IITians Hub Mumbai