Fathima Shifna Bpharm student
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Personalised teaching
Helps with homework,assignments
Helps with basic
Provide upto date notes
Make student understand the class
Make revisions for learnt chapters
Discuss previous years questions and question bank
Teaches with unique style
Make understand in simple way.clarify douts.improve language skills and way of writings.
Repeated classes,recorded sessions, chapterwise revision of questions.
Teaches answers in exam point of view.
Classes on your confort time.
Special classes during exam..
A special classes for difficult topic.atrractive sessions
Take the classes according to students vision
Preferable languages are malayalam and English.provide support and nurtures your creative skill.
Make learning effective by games and quizes


  • Maths (CBSE) Grade 3-Grade 8

  • Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics) Grade 3-Grade 8


No experience mentioned.


  • Bpharm (Jun, 2020now) from Alshifa college of pharmacy perinthalmanna

Fee details

    150350/hour (US$1.774.13/hour)


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