Looking for part time online teaching opportunities in the below areas
Networking(Routing/Switching)(Beginner to advanced)
Network Firewalls(Cisco ASA, Fortigate,Palo Alto)(Beginner to advanced)
Teaching style : Theoretical explanation and demo in simulation software like GNS3 or Cisco Packet Tracer.
Depending on who the student is, i.e. whether student is a beginner getting into this subject or he or she already has knowledge/experience, I can adjust the way to deliver the training.
Methodoly : Explanation with real life examples
Results: Usually good
I try to explain, in detail, the theory initially before going into more in depth and for that sometimes I give lab demo as well.
Have around 18 years of working experience in these fields, currently working for reputed MNC.
As part of work I am regularly teaching/sharing information with team members/new joinies which resulted in me gaining enough teaching experience.
Networking (Computers) Beginner-Intermediate
Palo Alto Firewall Training Beginner-Intermediate
FortiGate Firewall Beginner-Intermediate
Cisco ASA Beginner-Intermediate
Routing OSPF, BGP, EIGRP, MPLS switching Beginner-Expert
CCNA (Routing & Switching) Beginner-Intermediate
IPSEC VPN Beginner-Expert
SSL VPN Beginner-Expert
No experience mentioned.