• In this world everyone is facing some problems in their life. If we solve the problem or finding the correct solution for the problem, then will feel very happy.
• Same way, math is always facing many problems and finding the right person to give the correct solution for that.
• If you are the right person, join with me, let’s find the solution together to feel the happiness and the taste of mathematics.
• Math is full of interesting details and challenging concepts that encourage curiosity.
• Exploring math can open up new worlds as you discover new theories, master concepts, and connect the dots from different perspectives.
• Explore math with your friendly math tutor.
• Enjoy learning.
Follow the steps:
• Step 1: Identify and define the problem. State the problem as clearly as possible. ...
• Step 2: Generate possible solutions. ...
• Step 3: Evaluate alternatives. ...
• Step 4: Decide on a solution. ...
• Step 5: Implement the solution. ...
• Step 6: Evaluate the outcome.
• Step 7: Get an excellent result.
Teacher (Sep, 2017
–Mar, 2021) at Pearl school doha
Planning and presenting lessons to facilitate students' understanding and application of mathematical concepts.
Preparing and distributing learning material such as notes, assignments, and quizzes.
Sourcing the resources and supplies needed for lessons.
Ensuring that the classroom remains safe and conducive to learning.
Grading assignments and quizzes in a timely manner.
Invigilating quizzes and final examinations.
Documenting and reporting on students' progress.
Attending meetings with parents and staff.
BSc, B.Ed. (mathematics) (Aug, 2013–May, 2015) from Tamilnadu teacher's educational university, Chennai
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