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Ismail wanjala barasaTution teacher
No reviews yet
Hello, my name is ismail wanjala barasa,am an online teacher born a muslim in bungoma apparently in nairobi,i normally teach online classes part time and full time depending on a student and how far they looking forward to be teaching you the above listed subjects.i also teach hadith,seera,tajweed and the holy Quran.i charge 200 hourly but if i do mothly or weekly i do 3000 per child monthly and 800 weekly but ill be teaching 2hrs only.a student should have proper internet and also a proper device for learning properly.
English Beginner-Expert
Somali language Beginner-Intermediate
Arabi and Quraan Beginner-Intermediate
No experience mentioned.
Secondary (Jun, 2007–Aug, 2020) from tongaren–scored 50%
Fee details
i charge 200 per hour but if a person want us to do it weekly the salary varies.we can talk about a discount,