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Muhammad Arslan TariqOnline freelancer and part time as a teacher
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Certainly Becoming a great teacher involves not only in expertise in your subject matter I'm not like those teacher they punishing student all time I'm friendly person so I'm teach Student as friendly so student can talk me easily so I easily know which place student facing problem My Main key points 1. Knows your Students 2. Set clear learning objectives 3. Give him task for solving for homework and Infornt of me 4. Daily learning and daily previous lesson test and end of week grand test 5 if student need after class any query so contact me I'm helping us to solve his query So if any student need a brilliant future so focus on your study today then you achieve your goal tomorrow One thing more I'm not allow student to use abuse language in all time in class they allow to question all time in related subject or out of subject but in limit so I hope if you are interested so contact me
Chemistry (9th)
Chemistry 10th
Urdu & Islamiyat Expert
Sir (Aug, 2018–May, 2022) at TGS near Sarai Alamgir
I'm Arslan from Sarai Alamgir I will tech 3 subject Urdu chemistry and islamiyat I have already teach a secondary student
Secondary (Aug, 2018–Oct, 2020) from TGS near Sarai Alamgir
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Because a lot of students can't easily learn and can't focus so I will provide him extra knowledge and notes