Duration: 2 Months
Delivery mode: Online
Group size: Individual
Instruction language:
Certificate provided:
Week 1
Analysis of Algorithms: Learn about the Order of Growth, Best, Average, and Worst cases of various algorithms using Asymptotic Notations and much more.
Mathematics: Build your maths foundation with problems like Factorial of a Number, HCF, LCM, and concepts like Sieve of Eratosthenes
Bit Magic: Aquire Knowledge of Bitwise Operators with the help of important example tutorials
Week 2
Recursion: Gain understanding of Recursion, base cases, and Tail Recursion, and solve problems like Rope Cutting, Tower of Hanoi, and Josephus Problem.
Arrays: Master Arrays from their Introduction and Operations to solving problems like Stock Buy and Sell, Trapping Rain Water, etc
Searching: Get familiar with Binary Seach Technique with its analysis and various associated problems tutorials
Week 3
Sorting: Sort out your sorting concepts and learn about important sorting techniques like Insertion sort, Quick sort, and Radix sort to name a few
Matrix: Escape your Matrix struggle by solving problems like Matrix in a Snake Pattern, Spiral Matrix traversal, and much more
Hashing: Learn about Introduction and Time complexity analysis, Application of Hashing, Discussion on Direct Address Table, and much more
Week 4
String: Learn Strings form its Introduction and Methods to popular problem tutorials on Rabin Karp Algorithm, KMP algorithm, etc
Linked List: Learn Singly, Doubly, and Circular Linked Lists and solve problems like loop detection, intersection of LLs, and LRU Cache.
Week 5
Stack: Learn Stack from introduction to implementation and solve problems like Balanced Parentheses, Stock Span, and Infix/Prefix/Postfix expressions.
Queue: Aquire Knowledge of Queue with important example tutorials on Reversing a Queue, Generate numbers with given digits and much more
Deque: Learn Deque Implementation from problems like Maximums of all subarrays of size k, First Circular Tour, etc
Tree: Master tree concepts by solving problems starting from Height of Binary tree, Level order traversal to more advanced problems like Burn a Binary tree from a leaf, Serialize and Deserialize a Binary Tree, etc
Week 6
Binary Search Tree: Understand BST search, insert, and delete operations, and solve problems like Check for BST, Vertical Sum, and more.
Heap: Learn concepts related to Min Heap, Max Heap, Priority Queue and solve related problems
Graph: Grasp Graph Representation, BFS, DFS, and key algorithms like Prim's, Dijkstra, and Kosaraju with tutorials and problems.
Week 7
Greedy: Learn Greedy Algorithms with problems like Activity Selection Problem, Fractional Knapsack and much more
Backtracking: Aquire concepts of Backtracking, Rat In a Maze, N Queen Problem, Sudoku Problem and much more
Dynamic Programming: Establish a solid grasp of DP through memoization and tabulation techniques, tackling problems like LCS, Coin Change, LIS, and Egg Dropping.
Week 8
Trie: Learn about Trie concepts like representation, search, insert, and delete with related problems
Segment and Binary Indexed Tree: Get acquainted with Segment tree and Binary Indexed tree concepts with example problems
Disjoint Set: Learn about Disjoint Set Introduction, Find and Union Operations, Union by Rank, Path Compression and much more