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EbruTeaching English and Turkish, many experience
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Born and raised in London, I have the experience of the education system in the UK. For many years I have worked with children of different ages and different abilities. Including special needs. I enjoy the company of children and love to see them achieve the best. It is my role to support them and guide them to a better education of life and language. I am patient and understanding for those students that take a little longer to learn. Children are the future I believe. They should be taught the best possible way.
Language Expert
TA (Sep, 2017–Present) at Hornsey ataturk school
Teaching assistant with reception class. Helping out all classes at time and taking over classes when teacher is not in. Teacher assistant with the folklore group.
Health and social care (Sep, 2014–Jun, 2017) from Monoux college
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Depending on hours and packages and travel to student