Chi Chi chinese Chinese course
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Hello, I am from Taiwan. I like reading, traveling, and learning new languages. Everyone is welcome to exchange new knowledge and culture through language learning, constantly enrich yourself, and make us better.

客制化教学-请提前和老师讨论要上的课程内容旅游中文/主题中文/新闻中文/自由谈话/电影中文/歌曲中文/故事中文 ,在没有压力和兴趣之下学习一项新的语言学习是很困难,快来和蕾莎一起学习,赶快订课来体验一下有趣的课程吧,语言学习离不开文化的学习 想要学好汉语,我都会加入一些文化的内容 让你能够更好的了解中文,爱上中文学习,让学习更高效、更有趣、更容易

Customized teaching - please discuss with the teacher in advance the course content of travel Chinese/topic Chinese/news Chinese/free conversation/movie Chinese/song Chinese/story Chinese, and learn a new language without pressure and interest. It’s very difficult. Come and learn with Lesa and book a class quickly to experience the interesting courses. Language learning is inseparable from cultural learning. If you want to learn Chinese well, I will add some cultural content so that you can understand it better. Chinese, fall in love with Chinese learning, make learning more efficient, more interesting and easier

序渐进的系统和伴随的学习使学习一门新语言变得更加有趣,我将根据您的目标和需求定制我教学内容和方式 作为一名中文教师,但有耐心、热情和专业。最让我高兴的是,我的学生在我的课堂上充满了收益,和我一起预订课程,这样我们就可以讨论你的目标,以及我如何帮助你实现这些目标。我期待着很快与你见面在没有压力和兴趣之下学习一项新的语言学习是很困难,快来和蕾莎一起学习在台湾的当地文法吧,赶快订课来体验一下有趣的课程吧

The progressive system and accompanying learning make learning a new language more fun, and I will tailor my teaching content and approach to your goals and needs as a Chinese teacher, but with patience, enthusiasm and professionalism. What makes me most happy is that my students gain so much from being in my classes that they book a class with me so we can discuss your goals and how I can help you achieve them. I look forward to meeting you soon. Learning a new language is difficult without pressure and interest. Come and learn the local grammar in Taiwan with Lesa. Book a class now to experience an interesting course.


  • Chinese Expert


No experience mentioned.


  • Bachelor (Sep, 2023now) from Mackay Medical College

Fee details

    NT$200500/hour (US$6.2115.52/hour)

    Teachers who are like friends ~ we can all discuss the tuition fees


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