Tahir Bukhari Teacher
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I teach the students in good way.
I am still trying to understand the students until the students completely gain the concept on that topic. My priorities is cleared that i want that students ask me questions and i want to clear their queries. So further When the students successfully gain the concept of that topics so thay can write more thing on that topic from themselves.This is also beneficial to solve their queries in their research program in Bachlor level or Master and or PHD level.
I also wanted to teach the students with love affectionate.
Every teacher should respect students to teach them.
Students who wants to study and wants to do research teacher should have to help them because i think that research is to much necessary.


  • Math Grade 9-Grade 12

  • Mathematics and Physics Grade 9-Grade 12


No experience mentioned.


  • Bachlor degree in mathematics (Sep, 2018Nov, 2022) from University of the poonch Rawalakot

Fee details

    $25,00035,000/week (US$2500035000/week)

    The fee structure vary with the time.


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