Freelance Bi/Analytics Teacher (Feb, 2012
–Present) at 10+ years of experience in freelance teaching Online / Offline
• Applied different data cleaning techniques in R like MICE, KNN, and MissForest on a complex dataset to find the
best approach.
• Discovered optimal strategy for a complex dataset using a range of data imputation techniques, including MICE,
KNN, Median, and MissForest.
• Used the Scikit-Learn package of Python to apply various binary classification algorithms, such as Logistic
Regression, Decision Tree, SVM, KNN and Naive Bayes to detect spam emails.
• To locate and compare the cities with the similar air quality pattern, the time series AQI dataset was clustered using
the K means, DBSCAN, OPTICS algorithm and seasonality was detected using Fast Fourier aTransform.
• Used R programming and its packages such as psych and factoextra to perform descriptive analysis, factor analysis,
and correspondence analysis on the APS personnel census to examine the leadership styles that are important for
creativity in public organisations.
• Using Azure Machine Learning Studio, created and deployed an Azure ML pipeline for data preparation, exploratory
data analysis, statistical analysis, and logistic modelling.
• Created and deployed an Azure ML pipeline for Image pre-processing and recognition using PyTorch and ResNet
• Developed best practices on data normalization using log transformation and scalar transformation to further
process the data as per the problem statement defined based on the objective of the business.
• Pre-processed the data by imputing the missing values, encoding the categorical variables, splitting the dataset
based on features and by feature scaling the independent variables using MinMaxScaler to perform the modelling.
• Developed dashboard for International Finance corporation by using Tableau to track approval timeline of global
pipeline investments to increase portfolio by 30 million dollars.
• Linked pipeline companies and contract documents in dashboard by embedding hyper link action in Tableau to
access confidential data securely and quickly making it 100% secure and compliance
• Structured mobile/Tablet version of Fintech Portfolio Dashboard using tableau so that users can access it on
different devices making it dynamic.
• Integrated data in Salesforce by building recipes and workflows for transformations and consumed these data in
Tableau CRM (Einstein Analytics).
• Using Azure Machine Learning Studio, created and deployed an Azure ML pipeline for data preparation, exploratory data analysis, statistical analysis, and logistic modelling.
• Created and deployed an Azure ML pipeline for Image pre-processing and recognition using PyTorch and ResNet modelling.
• Developed dashboard for International Finance corporation by using Tableau to track approval timeline of global pipeline investments to increase portfolio by 30 million dollars.
• Linked pipeline companies and contract documents in dashboard by embedding hyper link action in Tableau to access confidential data securely and quickly making it 100% secure and compliance
• Structured mobile/Tablet version of Fintech Portfolio Dashboard using tableau so that users can access it on different devices making it dynamic.
• Integrated data in Salesforce by building recipes and workflows for transformations and consumed these data in Tableau CRM (Einstein Analytics).