A student-centered teaching style that encourages active participation and critical thinking often works well. Great teachers show passion for their subject, adapt to different learning styles, provide clear explanations, and foster a supportive and inclusive classroom environment. Effective communication, approachability, and the ability to inspire and motivate students are also key qualities of a great teacher. I don't do comparison in between like other tutors do because that affects their mindset and forces to stop them from doing better. I have child centered approach. I take test weekly. I started teaching in lockdown and since then I'm teaching primary kids, high school students etc. I love primary students
English Preschool, Kindergarten, KG, Nursery-Grade 10
Hindi Preschool, Kindergarten, KG, Nursery-Grade 10
Science Preschool, Kindergarten, KG, Nursery-Grade 10
Math Grade 1-Grade 6
Social Science Preschool, Kindergarten, KG, Nursery-Grade 10
No experience mentioned.
Fee details
Fee can vary as per classes