Sajid Mufti
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Teaching style bassed on students mind.
resault is 100% as past......
teaching language can b english, Urdu & arabic......
during my class timetable is very importent......
students questios can more helpfull.....
Attentiveness on students skill......
i can improve student handwriting ...
i try to understand the students problems....
students can talk me about their problems to improve thire education......
i used to make sure that student is satisfied ...
students can say to revise the chapter if they feel....
i make my lacture more easy with examples and using board......
students can ask any question.....
students can male and female and they all are allowed to ask any type of question.....


  • Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence) Diploma-Masters/Postgraduate

  • Fiqah (Masail e shariat) A level-Masters/Postgraduate


No experience mentioned.


  • m.a (Sep, 2010Aug, 2019) from Jamia DARUL ULOOM KARACHI

Fee details

    4,187,000/hour (US$49809.66/hour)


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