I am currently a student and teacher. I am enrolled in university program of BSc in Roots IVY. My main subjects are related to Business Management and Administration. Along with my studies I manage to work as a teacher, free lancer, entrepreneur and content creator. I have expertise in teaching Business and Accounting as I used to educate A level students, and they were really satisfied with my skills and traits, which helped them in achieving good academic results. I also have proficiency in dealing with primary classes where I am able to teach all subjects by making the students satisfaction my priority. Here I'm able to provide online and face to face, both class with my best possible dedication to fulfill requirements and expectations of students. Students are also allowed to take trial classes for 2-3 days which is free of cost and then they can decide whether they want to have access to my services or not. I can also give extra time during exams or assessments, as I prioritise excellence in academics of students for career aspirations and personal development.
Maths Preschool, Kindergarten, KG, Nursery-Grade 6
English Grade 1-O level
Accounting O level-A level
Business Beginner-Intermediate
Urdu & Islamiyat Preschool, Kindergarten, KG, Nursery-A level
Teacher (Jan, 2023
–Present) at Spark educational complex faisalabad
I am working as a teacher in this cambridge acadamey while managing my studies accordingly. I teach here junior students all subjects from class 2 to class 8 abd also deal with business subjects of olevels and alevels.
Co teacher and teacher assisstant (Oct, 2022
–Present) at roots ivy international Educational Complex, Faisalabad
I have been doing internship while being enrolled in university programme in Roots Ivy. In my free lessons I was able to teach business and accounting in Alevels block. I also worked as Co teacher in early years programme by providing full time assisstance.
Fee details
Fee can vary if extra subjects are demanded or if student is willing to study for extra time or if extra attention is required during exams.