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Hafilath Fathima nusmithaTutor who memorised Quran with Tajweed and Thilava
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* Students can learn Quran by offline and online depends on their choices. * students can choose their time from 8am to 12pm and 2 pm to 5pm * we will teach the students according to the capabilities of memorisation *students can feel a friendly atmosphere *students can clarify their doubts anytime they need *we are always there for the uplifting the students careers *we will keep giving moral education and activities *we will practice them in a way that helps their recitation improved in a better way with Quranic rules (Tajweed and Thilavath) *Parents can interact with teacher anytime.
Quran with tajweed Beginner-Expert
EAP (English for Academic Purposes) Beginner-Expert
Teacher for Quran, (Apr, 2019–Mar, 2021) at Majmaul Quran Learning and research complex
MASTER'S DEGREE IN ENGLISH LITERATURE (Apr, 2020–Mar, 2022) from Annamalai university Chennai
Hafilath (Mar, 2017–Feb, 2019) from Majmaul Quran Learning and research complex