I am an online tutor, tutoring biology from primary to university level, also english at the comfort of your home, i can travel.at your place or online tutoring.i charge 200ksh per hour if online and 500 ksh per hour if it involves travelling .charges may vary according to hour and level of education.i am available for part time or full time tutoring.i prefer online lessons of which whwn i teach be sure to get premium results as i also offer tests to test your skill.i also offer help on any laboratory tests that can be performed, i take you through simple steps of which are easy to understand and in point form.i also do assignments for students who dont have the time to do them, charges are a bit different on a range of 500- 5000 depending on the content.my results are timely and delivered to the customers satisfaction.
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Provide transport if it involves travelling, night lessons only online, teaching is topic based.