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FaithEnglish Language, Literature, Creative writing tut
No reviews yet
My delivery methods for both tutoring and other jobs are on an excellent and satisfactory level.
I basically teach and deliver from the heart, and have the needs of anyone needing my services at heart.
I specialise in English studies, literature studies, essay and articles writing. Im very helpful with assignments delivery.
I assure great time management and jobs welldone!
Since this requires 100% completion and there's nothing more to say- I'm always in favour of concision/brevity- I'll assure again that you won't be disappointed or frustrated. I am totally confident I can do all things through Christ.
Don't be thrown off by the last part if I've already won your heart.
Literature in English Beginner-Intermediate
English and Creativity Grade 1-Grade 10
Christian Religion Study Grade 1-Grade 11
Lagos, Nigeria (Sep, 2022–Nov, 2022) at Wise-up Middle School
Grade 7 English teacher
HR (Nov, 2021–Nov, 2022) at Wise-up Kindergarten schools
Accounting (Dec, 2016–now) from University of Lagos Akoka Lagos state Nigeria
Fee details
Charges per hour include the above hourly fee, but changes where charge is per job or contract.