Anjitha Teaching, mentoring
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I am teacher with MA and b Ed qualification. I am passionate about this field and ready to take classes via online or offline. My teaching style whether is too friendly and understanding to student. I am sure about that my students become efficient in using language and more as a human being. In my experience every children's has there on ability or gift to show themselves and am a mediator for them to realise that what they are capable of. It's a good opportunity to become a teacher with good visions and aims such as good making a really useful citizens.
Thank you


  • Malayalam Grade 1-Bachelors/Undergraduate


No experience mentioned.


  • B Ed (Dec, 2019Oct, 2022) from KPM b Ed college kollam
  • Master in Arts (Oct, 2017Jun, 2019) from Malayalam university

Fee details

    300500/hour (US$3.545.90/hour)


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