Zahid Hussain Criminals law and also civil
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I help students overcome fear and discover their potential, sometimes even before they themselves know it. I have all qualities like be a friend, a guidance and philosopher.  My feelings of immense pride and personal success in the success of my students I look beyond a student’s academic success and help them find a path to fulfil their purpose in life.
A good teacher should know the level of students and help them from basic to advanced.
''Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world".


  • Civil and Criminal Laws Bachelors/Undergraduate-MPhil


No experience mentioned.


  • LLM (Jul, 2016Jun, 2020) from LLM

Fee details

    Rs1,0005,000/hour (US$3.6018.01/hour)


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