( korepetycje.inzynier et gmaiI.com ) I've been teaching mechanics and strenght of materials for more than ten years, still improving my didactic skills and meritorical knowladge. I do it with passion and I want to share it with people. I'll do my best to make you like phisics, mechanics and relative subjects. I have graduated mastery in a field of Automatics and Robotics and PhD in a field of "Mechanics" (dyscypline: Machinery Dynamics). I work as a university teacher. In my working day I do the reasarch concerns the mechanics and strenght of materials area. I still improve myself in those fields as well as didactic skills. I am aware that having knowadge doesn't makes sombody a good teacher. The technical subjects are my passion and fortunatly my occupation. I give a proffesional lecture in Phisics, mechanics, analytical mechanics, dynamic of machinery or relative subjects based on the practical and interesting examples and tasks. I also offer the help with the big projects and homeworks.
Physics Beginner-Intermediate
Strength of Materials O level-Masters/Postgraduate
Mechanics O level-Doctorate/PhD
Mechanics (Advanced) O level-Doctorate/PhD
Mechanics and Strength of Materials O level-Doctorate/PhD
PhD (Sep, 2011
–Present) at AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow
In my working day I do the reasarch concerns the mechanics and strenght of materials area. I still improve myself in those fields as well as didactic skills.
Mechanics (Jan, 2010–Nov, 2015) from AGH University of Science and Technology
Automatics and Robotics (Sep, 2005–Jul, 2010) from AGH University of Science and Technology