Dr.Shreya Modi HOD and Assistant professor MSc Microbiology
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My self Dr.Shreya Modi. My main subject is science. I believe in Multidisciplinary study and I am trying and will be try my best for the students. i try my very best to make all concepts very clear for the respective subject. Some practical demonstration, videos along with PowerPoint presentation prepared with suitable figures are the most crucial way to understand basic concepts in every field. We all are the learners throughout the Life. So never stop learning. Believe in yourself, your hardwork and dedication is the way to achieve your goal.


  • Biology, Chemistry, Physics Grade 5-Masters/Postgraduate

  • Nanoscience Masters/Postgraduate-MPhil


  • Head of department and assistant professor (Nov, 2020Present) at Shri Sarvajanik Science collage Mehsana
    I am working as assistant professor an head of the department at Shri Sarvajanik Science collage Mehsana. My main subjects are microbiology, nanotechnology, cell biology, molecular biology, environmental science, human anatomy and physiology as well as instrumentation


  • PhD Nanoscience (May, 2016Jun, 2021) from Central University of Gujarat Gandhinagar Gujarat India

Fee details

    300500/hour (US$3.545.90/hour)


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