I'm a AWS platform engineer and working on devops technologies. I work in Terraform, Ansible, AWS and kubernetes and CICD pipelines etc. I help in making the students understand from beginner level to expert level in the mentioned skills.
Terraform Infrastructure As a Code
1) Introduction of Terraform & IaC.
2) Setting up Environment
3) Installation of Terraform & AWS Cli on Linux
4) Installation of Terraform & AWS Cli on Window 10 Local Machine
5) AWS IAM Permissions for Terraform
6) Understanding Terraform fmt, validate,Plan, and apply commands
7) Terraform State Functionality
8) Terraform Providers and AWS
9) Build AWS EC2 Instance with Terraform
10) Terraform destroy, taint, import commands
11) Build AWS S3 Bucket with Terraform
12) Deploying VPC, Internet Gateway and Subnets with Terraform on AWS
13) Deploying Multi Region VPC Peering
14) Deploying Security Groups
15) Terraform Modules use and Building modules
16) Terraform Built-in Functions and Dynamic Blocks
17) Terraform Variables and Outputs
18) Build a WebServer with Terraform on AWS
19) Deploy a load Balancer with Terraform
20) Deploying Infrastructure with Ansible & Terraform
21) Terraform Real Time Project Scenarios
Kubernetes Architecture & Core Concepts:-
1) What is Kubernetes
2) Kubernetes Architecture
3) Kubernetes Concepts Pods, Nodes, Controller Master, Services
4) Kubernetes Runtimes
5) Installation of Kubernetes Cluster with Minikube
6) Installation of EKS Kubernetes Cluster on AWS Cloud
7) Installation of Kubernetes Cluster on On-Prem Servers with Kubeadm
8) Joining Worker Nodes in Cluster
Kubernetes Cluster Management:-
1) Cluster Administration Overview
2) High Availability in cluster
3) Cordon and Drain a Node
4) Kubernetes Cluster Upgrading
5) etcd cluster Backup and Restoration
Kubernetes Cluster Objects:-
1) kubectl Commands Deep Dive
2) Role Based Access Control in Kubernetes (RBAC)
3) Service Accounts
4) Pods & Resource Usage
Containers and Pods Management:-
1) Containers and Pods Overview
2) Containers and Pods Management
3) Resource Management in Containers
4) Container Health management
5) Self-Healing Pods
6) Pods and Deployment Scalability
7) Rolling Updates
8) Configure Init Containers
9) Schedule pods to particular node
10) Static pods
11) StatefulSets
12) DaemonSets
Managing Kubernetes Cluster Storage
1) Understanding Kubernetes Storage
2) Pods Volume Configuration
3) Persistent Volumes Setup
4) Managing Secrets
Kubernetes Services and Advanced Networking
1) Pods to Pod Communication
2) Expose Pods with Services
3) Managing Apps Services with DNS
4) Configure NodePort Service
5) Configure Ingress Service
6) LoadBalancer Service in cluster
7) CNI and Flannel Plugins Basics
Kubernetes Cluster Scheduling Functions
1) Scheduling Overview
2) Managing Scheduling Policies
3) Node Affinity
4) Pod Affinity
5) Taint and Tolerances Overview
6) Resource Restrictions
7) Scheduling Management
Kubernetes Cluster Security:-
1) Kubernetes Security Overview
2) Kubernetes Security Challenges
3) Hardening Kubernetes Cluster
4) Configure TLS Certificate
5) Configure Kubelet Security
6) Configure Volume Security
7) Configuring RBAC Authorization
Kubernetes Cluster Troubleshooting
1) Troubleshooting Overview
2) Cluster Logs Verification
3) Apps Troubleshooting
4) Communication issues with Cluster
Terraform Beginner-Expert
Kubernetes Beginner-Intermediate
AWS Administration Beginner-Expert
No experience mentioned.
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